Gossip shouldn't Fall on Others Ears

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  "Sooo, you're telling me that June, you're maid, fell in love with you, but you didn't like her and had to turn her down?" Sally questioned with a giggle. "Didn't know you were such a charmer, Wilbur."

    "Well, I am quite the charming character I'll have you know! But still I didn't even tell you the best part!" Wilbur gave her an offended glare.

    "Then tell me and stop boasting about yourself!" She smiled and laughed.

    "Fine, fine, but you know I'm right!" He accused.

    "Get on with it!"

    "Alright, so, after I turned her down, in a fit of rage, June took Techno's books and burned them!" He laughed.

    "Oh my prime, did he kill her? I mean, I won't tell anyone if he did, he would have all the means and motive, I mean he loves those things!"

    Sally puts her hands in the air to express that she's not a threat, but accidently smacks herself with her hands, it kinda reminded Wilbur of how uncoordinated a fish is on land, then again, fish can't breathe, sooo.

    "My goodness, you gotta tell me what he did!"

    "I was getting to it gosh you're so impatient!" Wilbur gives her a half hearted glare.

    "Wait, but why would she attack his books, if you were the one to turn her down?" Her eyebrows lifted in confusion.

    "Because he told her that she didn't have a chance with me before, and she thought he told me to turn her down because she was a maid."

     "But why would he tell her that? And even still why would he even care about you loving a maid?" She closed her fan that was fanning her and set it on her lap.

     "He wouldn't care about that, but he never liked her because of how disrespectful she was to Tommy, so he made a plan."

    "A plan? Maybe he's more cunning than I gave him credit for, maybe I should marry him, your mother does want me to marry one of her sons, and I hate to say it, because as flattering as Tommy can be, he's not my type." She said as she tapped her closed fan on her chin.

    When she says flattering she was referring to when Tommy first met her, he was at the ripe age of ten and having not seen many girls even slightly close to his age (even if she was sixteen) he accidentally blurted out "You're pretty" infront of her, but since she was a classy gal, raised up to be correct, she told him how much of a flatterer he could be, and thanked him before he was about to explode from embarrassment.

    "Really? Six years younger isn't your type? Never could have guessed." He said in a sarcastic tone, dragging the 'never' out.

    "Either way, I think you're stuck with me if you follow my mother's wishes, because I'm pretty sure my brother is not romantically interested in anyone." Wilbur said with a shrug and a smirk.

    "Just continue the story! Give me the tea!" She says scooting up in her seat. He grabs a tea bag and tosses it to her. "That's not what I meant and you know it!" He laughs.

   "Well, justified by stealing and destruction of his property, he took her to court." He continued the story, but couldn't shake the feeling of someone watching.

    "Ohhh, Techno is a lot less cruel that I thought, I don't think we'd work out." She pouted, but Wilbur smiled and she returned it.

    "Well, funnily enough, Mother hates those who do wrong by her sons. The lass is doomed to die by the end of the week." He gave a closed eyed smile.

    "Oh uh-" She stammered "-remind me not to get on her bad side please." The end of her sentence ended up more like a whisper than a spoken word.

    "You probably won't need warning, not only do you act very polite towards all of us, excluding me," He gave her a playful glare, "and she adores you quite a bit, no worries." His glare turned it into a grin.

    "Well I should hope she enjoys my presence as much as I do hers!"

    "Quit the act, while you enjoy her company, in truth you're really scared shitless of her." He smiled.

     "But I do enjoy her company, a lot!" She pouted yet again.

    "Yes, but she is scary." He shrugged.

    "As an Empress should be!" She put her hands up in defense.

    "True, true. Got any gossip for me?" He said laughing.


     They sat under the gazebo for hours, sitting across from eachother, drinking tea and gossiping like young school girls talking about boys at lunch.

    Unbeknownst to them, they had a small audience of one, that was listening in on their story's.

    And they heard it all, the story's of little things Prince Theseus did, big ones where traitors were involved, and even intriguing ones where the Empress got involved.

    The knowledge was great, and it was plentiful!

    Such a shame that they hadn't been taught to keep gossip away from others ears, they can't help but wonder what went wrong with their bringing up, where was the discipline!

    They almost felt mad about it, almost.

     Too bad they weren't a snitch, this info would have gotten him a lot of money if they weren't such a righteous person.

     They let out a sigh and clicked their tongue, these two had a long way to go before they could be considered viable as the next Emporer and Empress, although, they figure that they shouldn't worry about that for now, best check up on the other candidates.


    "You know someone's been watching us right?" Sally questioned, her eyebrows furrowed.

    "I wouldn't tell you such juiceless information otherwise, most of the stuff I told you is already out to the public, or planned to be." Wilbur looked her straight in her emerald eyes with a stern look on his face.

    "I think we should go inside and discuss whats real." She gestured to him.

    "Of course, mine or yours?"

    "Mine obviously, wouldn't want my grubby hands around your guitar." He laughed at that.

    "I wouldn't mind tha-" He gets cut off by his head being smacked.

    "I hope you do know that I was talking about your actual guitar." She glared at him as they walked.

    "What else would you mean?" He tilted his head innocently, she narrowed her eyes.

    Kind of rushed, sorry, let me know if it sucks or I misspelled anything. Byeee.

  - Flowtow

Ps. I hate leaving authors notes.

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