Greetings and Gratitude

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     Wilbur was walking through the castles halls, he passed a grandfather clock that had just struck twelve, it was noon.

     While he and his brothers all claimed the title of heir, they all had completely different responsibilities, his being to take care of castle invitations, dates, and guests.

     And boy did they have guests.

     Now Wilbur is a young gentleman, and is by no means a simp in any way, no matter how many times his twin brother insists that he is.

     But the duchess of the ceasg mer, she was wonderful, her burning auburn hair, redder than that of a fire, her glorious green eyes that shined like his kingdoms brightest emerald (that rested in the Empress's crown), her amazing sense of style, and her personality, it was all so... perfect!

     Safe to say, he was in no way, shape or form, whipped.

      She is just cool he supposes.

      He hasn't even seen her mer form! It's not like he knew her that well.

      Stop it. He's not a simp.

      Wilbur sneezed as he walked past the dining room and into the main hallway of the castle,that surrounded a beautiful, large, courtyard.

      He stopped to breathe and look at the time, it had taken him two minutes to get here, and he had twenty eight minutes until the guests showed up, he best make his way to the entrance to greet them.

     He rang the bells for the servants and told them to help the duchess out of her carriage.

    About eight servants arrived by his side as they waited together.

    Waiting there was quite annoying and awkward, but he really didn't have much else to do, and so he waited.

    They ended up having complications, and taking another thirty minutes before getting to the palace, if Wilbur was upset, he didn't mention it.

    But, they made it, and they were here.

    So, it appears that Sally didn't tell Wilbur that she was bringing a friend along, well, three friends.

     The Captain of the deep sea, The Duke of the Oceanids, and the Queen of the freshwater mers all appeared to have come with her.

    "Hello and welcome Duchess Sally, Duke Sam Awedude, Captian Puffy Taken, and Queen Nihachu! It's safe to say that I wasn't expecting all of you to come, I'll get the servants to make you rooms!" He said with a flick of his hand directed towards the servants to signal them to do as he said, and a quick bow to them.

    "Well, I would say that it is a honor to see you again Wilbur, but we both know that I dont like you that much." Did I forget to say that Sally was sarcastic, oh, sorry, well, she is!

    Wilbur opened his mouth to respond but he was cut off by another voice. "We all know that's not true Sally." A calm voice that had a soft tone to it came from Duke Sam.

    He didn't know why, but he expected Sam's voice to be like Techno's, monotone and extremely serious, but it was nice, fatherly like almost.

    "Well, here are your rooms, if you have any questions or concerns, be sure to ask!" He said after they made their ways to the south wing, where the guest normally stay.

    "Thank you very much Prince Wilbur!" The Captain had such a intriguing voice, it was sweet, but it also had the classic pirate undertone.

    "It's the least you could do mister!" Sally said as she gave him a little laugh.

    "Ignore her, we are very thankful." Queen Nihachu spoke with a calm, but cheerful voice.

    "Thank you young prince." Duke Sam's voice was even calmer now, he spoke as if he was older than Wilbur's own father.

    "Well, I'm sure you know that the meeting is tomorrow, so get settled in today, ask the servants to give you a tour if you wish for one, or have them call me for one." Wilbur finished with a clap of his hand, and quickly turned around to leave.




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