Kas Returns - Eddie Munson

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Summary: Y/N feels nothing but anger after the death of their love, Eddie, so they journey to the Upside Down alone.

Possible triggers: Cursing, vampires, mentions of blood. 

Word Count: 1,917

I could hear their voices, the party standing around the living room of Hopper's old cabin. I couldn't make out any specific words, the static at the edge of my mind made it difficult to focus on anything anymore. Ever since Eddie died, god he's dead.. I couldn't even think it without feeling the static pulsate like a pounding headache. I flinched, seeming to draw some attention to myself.

"You okay, ___?" Will was standing in front of me now, looking down at where I sat on the couch in the opposite corner from the rest, who were now staring at me. I didn't respond, I didn't know how to, a cauldron of feelings bubbling in my stomach that I feared would explode if I opened my mouth. I shook my head, there was no point in lying to them, not anymore. 

"Do you need a break?" He was now squatting in front of me, keeping his eyes trained on mine. "No, what I need is to find that bastard and rip his throat out with my bare hands." I snarled out, some of the others rolling their eyes in response. "We've been over this, ___. The only person that can defeat Vecna is El. She's the only one powerful enough to get close enough." Mike's grating voice echoed through my head, turning to glare at him. "I don't care. He needs to pay for what he did to Eddie. What you three couldn't do." My eyes scanned Robin, Nancy, and Steve as the venom seeped from my tone. "What I couldn't do." It came out as a weak whisper, tears welling up in my eyes. Will reached out to comfort me, but I pulled back, standing from the couch and almost knocking him over. 

My feet moved forward towards the door, Dustin calling out after me. "Where are you going?"

"A walk." I yelled back, slamming the door behind me as I stormed off into the night. I hadn't even noticed the time passing, the cool air surrounding my skin sending goosebumps rippling across my body. I always hated being out in the cold, it only served as a reminder that my warmth had died. 

Call me obsessed, but everything reminded me of him. It wasn't fair, seeing him everywhere and in everything, it was driving me insane. I wouldn't let myself sink into that feeling though, I couldn't, if I lost it now there was no telling what would happen. I couldn't help the others, but I sure as hell wouldn't cause more problems for them, not now, not when they were so close to finding Vecna. I couldn't jeopardize their last chance at ending all of our torment. Maybe that's all I needed, to know he was dead and he had reaped what he sow, maybe then it will be easier. 

I hadn't paid attention to my surroundings, letting my feet lead me wherever they felt as I lost myself in my thoughts. I stumbled over a large root, snapping me back into the present world where the environment I found myself in felt all too familiar. It was the trailer park, my old home. I looked up to find Eddie's trailer, desecrated by a gate and closed off by police tape, it made me more and more angry. This place used to be my sanctuary, my place of peace in the crashing ocean of high school drama and inner turmoil, it all seemed so stupid and small now. None of it meant anything, not compared to what I had seen now. Otherworldly creatures, death, men creating themself into gods, it all seemed so dire, dangerous, but now I felt nothing but anger as my fingers curled around the yellow tape and ripped it down. 

It took a moment to wiggle the door lock open with a few small sticks I had broken off of the tree I stumbled over previously, but I watched as the door creaked open slowly. It felt like I was working on autopilot, my body moving without any input from my brain. I could hear my own voice echoing in my head, screaming at my body to stop before we did something stupid, but nothing stopped. I felt like I was watching a horror movie, screaming at the main character to not go into the basement because that was the obvious move, the one thing that would get them killed instantaneously. The chair beneath my feet wobbled as I jumped up to reach the gate, barely grasping at the slimy edge as I struggled to pull myself through. Landing on the carpet bottom-side, I wasted no time. I found the weapons from our previous encounter with the Upside Down, grabbing the spear and bursting from the old trailer door.

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