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I feel like I haven't updated in 79108732 years but...


Gabby's POV- Saturday Morning

I wake up to the sound of my alarm and quickly turn it off. I sit up too quickly and I feel the room spin. I close my eyes and sit there for a minute before gaining my composure back and looking over to my left where I see an adorable, sleeping Michael. I try to get up without waking him, but it doesn't work as I see him sit up. He smiles at me and plops back down with a thud.

I go into the bathroom and change into black Soffee shorts and a plain white t-shirt. I brush my teeth and hair, and clean my glasses before walking back into my room. By now, Michael's walking around with fluffed hair and bare feet.

"Morning." I say and my voice breaks. I remember everything that happened last night and I guess Michael can tell because he gives me a tight hug.

"How are you feeling today?" he asks me and I shrug.

"I don't really know. I mean it's not like she can actually do anything about this but it still gets to me, you know?" I ask and he nods when we pull away.

I check the clock and realize that Ashton's coming over in 20 minutes to study and hang out for a bit.

"What do you have going on today?" I ask him and he cracks his neck before answering.

"I want to stay with you, but I really have to study and get homework done." he says and I nod.

"Ok. Maybe I'll see you later then?" I ask him and he nods.

"Yeah, definitely." he smiles and grabs his stuff.

We say goodbye and he climbs back into his room from the awnings under our windows. At exactly 9:30, I hear my doorbell ring. I fly down the stairs and unlock the door, opening it to reveal Ashton.

He's wearing his Batman shirt with jeans and his hair is fluffy and curly, as always. His backpack is slung over his shoulder and his glasses are sitting on his nose.

"Hey, Ash, come in." I say and he walks in and closes the door. He throws his backpack onto the recliner in the corner of the living room and plops down on the couch like it's his own house. He comes over here often to hang out with me, so it basically is his house.

"So, I'm starving, what about you?" he asks, smiling, and I nod, returning the smile. We take his car to the diner in town and get a table right away.

We order food and talk for a little bit while we wait. We talk about the tests we have coming up and make intelligent jokes about certain subjects about our classes and laugh because we understand them and we find them absolutely hysterical.

This is our relationship. He's basically my brother and I can tell him anything, and him with me. We literally hide nothing from each other.

"So, there's this new family that moved into the house next to mine, the Cliffords, and I'm kind of falling for the son. His name is Michael. He's the one with blue hair. You can't miss him. You've probably seen him around the school." I tell him and he looks surprised.

"What?" I ask him and his smile falters a little, but he catches himself.

"I just don't want you to get hurt, that's all." he says and I nod.

"I won't, but thanks." I say and he rolls his eyes as he the food comes. We pay for everything and we're back at my house in no time.

We decide to study our history notes because we have a test coming up this Friday, then we study our Calculus stuff.

After about 20 minutes, music starts blasting from Michael's room. I close my window, but it's not doing much.

"Let's go downstairs." I say and he smirks at me and collects his things, walking down the stairs and into the living room.

Michael's POV

I look into Gabby's room for a split second to see if she's there. Oh boy, I do see her, but I also see this other guy sitting across from her.

I immediately start fuming but try to compose myself so I don't get too worked up. Maybe he's just a friend or a cousin or...something?

I see her laugh at something he says and I lose it. I walk over to my CD player and pick from my 70 different CD's on the rack, and put on the loudest one. I blast it and open my window so he get's annoyed. Just by the looks of him, I don't like him.


I know what's going on.

It's the only thing that I can think of for why he's there.

They're dating.

I go over to my window as they walk out of her room and slam it shut, locking it.

Oh he's going to get an earful...

Gabby's POV

Ashton and I finish studying by noon and we order a pizza and put on a movie. We decide on "Mean Girls" since I haven't seen that in a while and Ashton's never seen it ever.

The pizza gets here and we eat. There's a few more slices left so after the movie, I put it on the counter in the kitchen.

By 4:00, Ashton's gone and I'm in my room reading. After I finish a chapter, I see Michael in his room. I put the book down and walk over to my open window and calling his name. He hears, and walks over to his window.

"Yeah?" he says, sounding mad.

"Do you want to come over? I have pizza downstairs if you want it." I say and he huffs.

"Why don't you invite your boyfriend back over?" he says and rolls his eyes. What is he talking about? Wait...

"You think Ashton and I are dating?" I ask and he nods. I burst out into laughter.

"What?" he asks, getting impatient.

"That's hysterical!" I say. "We're not dating. He's basically my brother. We just study together and stuff."

"Oh..." he says and he climbs over and into my room.

"Sorry, I thought you were dating. I guess I should probably ask you before I jump to conclusions, huh?" he chuckles and I nod, laughing and walking over to my bed and laying down on it.

We talk and laugh for a little while until it's time for my mother to get home. He leaves and I close my window, rushing to get to bed so I don't have to seal with her.

I make it within seconds to spare because right as I turn my light off, I hear her car pull in. I make sure my window is locked and my alarm is set, then I bury myself in the blankets.

She bursts into my room and I pretend to sleep, facing the opposite way of my door so she can't see my face. After a few seconds, I hear her huff and close the door. Her heels clunk against the hallway floors and the sound grows weaker and weaker until I can't hear it at all anymore.

Eventually, I fall asleep.


What's up guys?

I really want to do a YouNow broadcast just so I could actually chat with you guys live, but I feel like nobody's going to watch oops...

Love ya'll!

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