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Yay another update! I missed updating this book and now I can finally update whenever I want. By the way, I just entered this book for the 2015 Watty Awards and I'm super nervous and excited because I really don't think I'll be one of the people who win, but it's worth a shot. Anyway...


Gabby's POV- Friday Morning

My alarm goes off, piercing the silence in the room. I feel Mikey's arms around me and I get sad that I have to actually go to school. I feel like yesterday was the best day of my life and I'm so happy that it turned out that way.

I quickly turn the alarm off and turn over to face him. I quickly peck his lips and he opens his eyes.

"Morning, Mikey." I say and he smiles at me.

"Morning, princess." he replies.

He sits up and ruffles his hair around so it stays in a perfect swoop on his head. I wish it was that easy for girls.

We both get out of bed and do our own normal thing that we usually do in the morning. We kind of just stay out of each other's way for now until we go downstairs to get some breakfast.

Of course, as soon as we get downstairs, my mother is inside the kitchen staring us both down.

"Good morning." I mumble as I pass her and get the cereal bowls for Mikey and I.

"What is wrong with you?" she booms and I flinch a little from the sudden noise.

"What do you mean, Mother?" I continue to do what I'm doing and Mikey comes and joins me.

"Why would you let this excuse for a human stay over again?"

"He's not an excuse for a human, Mother, he's my boyfriend and he respects you therefore I expect you to respect him." I say, ignoring her actual question.

"Well I am not going to respect him, Gabriella, because he's just trying to use you for your body or lack thereof. You will not let him stay over again and I'm serious. No more playing around on my part. Do you hear me?" she says, crossing her arms.

"Loud and clear." I reply.

"Good. I'm leaving for work." she says and she takes her things and goes out the door, slamming it behind her.

I stay silent for a little bit, just standing in one place and thinking. What am I going to do? I could either listen to her, which I refuse to do, or I can just disobey her which will get me in loads of trouble.

"Whatever." I mumble and I pour milk in my cereal and start to eat. Mikey joins me after a few seconds and puts his hand on my thigh.

"It's going to be okay." he says once I look up to meet his eyes. All I do is half smile and finish my bowl of cereal, putting it in the sink.

Mikey and I finish getting ready for the day and then go to sit on the couch downstairs when we bring our books downstairs for school. It's only 7:15 so we have a while until we have to leave.

We sit in silence without the TV on for a while. After a few minutes, Mikey decides to break the silence.

"You know what? You don't need her. You don't need this. She can't control you like you're some sort of robot with no feelings. We'll move somewhere, me and you. We'll be together in our own apartment and you won't have to deal with your mum anymore, okay? We can-"

"Mikey?" I say, cutting him off.

"Yeah?" he says, facing me with his whole body.

"Slow down. We're 17." I smile and he does the same.

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