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Sorry for not updating in so long. I've had a lot going on. But this past weekend, my choir and I went to Hershey Park to compete and all of our choirs got 1st place in their categories. The two choirs I'm in got a rating of superior and I'm just really happy because of the entire weekend.



Gabby's POV

I see Ashton lean down and for some reason, I lean up to him. Suddenly, the space between us is gone and we're kissing. It only last a few seconds before I jump back and fall off the bed onto the floor.

I sit there for a minute and think. Did that seriously just happen?

Ashton's face is white as a ghost. He readjusts his glasses and ruffles his hair.

"What....when....what just happened?" I say to him and he opens his mouth to say something, but he just closes it again right after.

"I'm sorry I don't know where that came from. I guess it was just in the moment and you were there and I was here and-"

"It doesn't matter. Let's just pretend it never happened." I cut him off and pick myself up and sit back on the edge of the bed.

Ashton's POV


What did I just do?

I could've just ruined everything.

I didn't even mean to kiss her it just happened. I mean she's just so pretty.

I think I like Gabriella Williams...

Wait...what? I can't like her. It has nothing to do with her, but I think if I ever tried something, Michael would literally kill me.

I look over to the window and of course, it's open. Michael is staring right back at me. He narrows his eyes at me and turns right around to punch the wall. Oh no...

Gabby's POV

Ashton packs up his things and says an awkward goodbye, then walks right out the door without another word. It's only about 10:00 right now, so I decide to try to study on my own. When it doesn't work and I can't focus, I pack my stuff up and throw it across the room, getting angry.

All I can think about, though, is Michael. I look into his window and by now, there's a hole in his wall, smashed trophy on his floor, and he's pacing and tugging at his hair in the middle of the room. He's crying and I feel my eyes getting watery also.

I just had my first kiss, in the middle of crying, on my bed in my room, with my best and only friend. I could've just ruined everything...

Michael's POV

I don't know what to do anymore. I just watched the girl that I like kiss another guy who she promised wasn't a problem. Obviously, I can't trust anyone anymore.

She promised that he was nothing to worry about! I can't believe she lied to me!

You know what? I'm not even mad at Gabby. It was the other kid that made the move. Ashton. That's his name. He's going to pay.

In the meantime, I start pacing and crying and tugging at my hair. I already made a hole in my wall that I now need to fix, so what else am I going to do? I really hope I don't do something really stupid. I've been known to do that and I don't want to recreate that reputation.

Gabby disappears from her room, and I collapse on my floor and continue to cry.

Gabby's POV

I run down the stairs and grab my keys. I unlock the front door and walk out, slamming it behind me. I run across mine and Michael's lawn and run up his steps.

I ring the doorbell and wait for about 30 seconds before he opens the door with red, puffy eyes, and kisses me right away, picking me up and holding my legs. I wrap my arms around his neck and he kisses me more as he leans up against his house.



Anyway, I'm hungry now so love ya'll!

Btw, sorry for how short this was it's just kind of a filler...

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