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Buckle up...


Gabby's POV- Tuesday Evening

As more tears leave my eyes, Mikey answers the door. His face goes from happy to sad within one millisecond. He doesn't say anything, he just pulls me inside, closes the door, and brings me upstairs to his room.

He closes the door behind us and I lose it. He pulls me into his arms and I cry into his chest.

"Baby, what happened?" he asks.

"My mother." I say. He already knows that she's a problem so he doesn't ask any more questions. I quickly pull away and start talking really fast.

"I need to get away from her. I never want to see her again. I'm moving out. We can get an apartment, me and you. I know I said we couldn't do it but I changed my mind. Let's do it. We can be together in our own apartment. Just the two of us." I say.

"Okay, I'm all for it, but are you sure? We can't even get an apartment until we're both 18." he says and I shake my head.

"Then we'll wait a few more weeks. I just need to get away from her. I don't want to live with her anymore. It's torture. I would much rather get an apartment with you." I say in between sobs.

"Where would we live? We still have to finish high school."

"We'll look for apartments in our town. We can do it, we just need to get up and do it. I'll actually start looking for a different job so I can get paid more. We can make it happen, Michael."

He thinks for a minute, but then he makes up his mind.

"Let's do it." he says. I smile.

"Thank you." I say, barely audible.

We figure that we'll pay for the whole thing together. We'll need to pay for cable, water, air and heat, groceries, and more but I have a whole bunch of money saved up in my own bank account that doesn't connect to my mother's so hopefully getting started won't be an issue. Mikey says that Karen will allow it as long as we stay in our town.

I honestly couldn't care less about what my mother thinks about the whole thing.

I keep crying and I can't seem to stop. The text wasn't even that bad. There's worse things she could've said. It's just the fact that she's stuck in her own way and she can't see that Michael's an amazing person. It's absolutely frustrating. Even my dad thinks he's a good guy!

"I'm so sorry you feel this way, Gabby. Is there anything I can do?" he asks.

"No. I really have to be getting back to my house though. She'll be back in about 20 minutes since she got sick at work. I'll text you when you can come over." I say.

"Okay. And Gabby, I love you. So much. You're an amazing girl. Don't let your mother blind you from that." he says. He takes my hands in his and I glance at his anchor tattoo. I smile and nod, one last tear streaming down my face. He catches it with his thumb and he wipes it away.

I'm about to climb through my window, but I hug him instead. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I can't wait to share an apartment with him. I'll be able to come home to him instead of dreading going home at all. He's my light at the end of a dark tunnel. A few months ago, he was being kind of a jerk to me. But now, I'm starting to believe that he's the one. Sure, we're young and we've only been dating a short amount of time, but with things like this, you just know right away if it'll work out eternally or not. In this case, I think it will.

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