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It's just that my parents took all of my electronics away including my phone and stuff and I couldn't update BUT I'M BACK SO IT'S ALL COOL.


Gabby's POV- Wednesday Morning

I pull out of my driveway for school before my mom even has a chance to talk to me, which I'm thankful for. I can't wait until I can move far away from her and only have to interact with her on holidays...

I fantasize about being in college and living on my own when I pull into the parking lot of the school. I turn the car off once I get into my normal spot, then I get out and shut the door, locking the car and putting my keys in my purse.

Walking into school, I pray that I don't see those same four girls that were making fun of me and Michael yesterday. I probably won't avoid them, but I hope they found some other prey that they can make fun of instead of me.

I sit in the library for a little while until the entrance bell for school rings. Then, I grab my stuff and walk to my locker.

Once I open it, I take out all of my books that I need, which isn't too many, then I slam it shut and walk into homeroom.

I stare at the clock, listening to people talk everywhere I turn, and sit alone like usual. Once there's two minutes to go until the bell to go to first period, I get my stuff together and sit on the edge of my chair.

The bell rings and it's like a mad dash to the door. I try to get out into the hallway before everyone else, but sadly, it doesn't work and I'm stuck in a pit full of students. Somehow, Michael finds me and walks to my side so we can walk together.

"Good morning!" he sing-songs.

"Morning!" I reply.

He takes my vacant hand in his, my other hand supporting my books, and we walk from my homeroom to our first period class. When we get there, we go to our usual seats, and I mentally celebrate that I didn't have to deal with Court, Steph, Jade, or Cassie.


The rest of school goes by normally, Calum sitting with Michael and I at lunch and all, and I go home. Michael's car follows behind me and I pull into my driveway and he pulls into his. Once I get out of my car, he's already by my side helping me carry things inside.

We go up to my room and I take out my Starbucks uniform.

"You know, I was thinking about applying for a job at Starbucks." Michael says, laying himself down on my bed.

"Really?" I ask, surprised. I didn't think he'd want to get a job.

"Yeah, it seems fun. Plus, I'll be able to be with you. I looked at the sign on the window yesterday when I went in, and it said that there was help wanted. I thought I might want to jump for it." he explains and I nod.

"Hold on, we'll continue this conversation in a second I just have to go change." I say, walking out the door.

"Okay." he says.

I change in the bathroom and put my blonde hair up in a high pony tail, then put the green visor on. I return to my room and Michael and I start talking again.

He decides that he's going to go for the job, so he's coming to work with me now to talk to the manager.

He drives my car there with me in the passenger's seat, then when we arrive, we walk in. I take my post and I direct him to where the manager is. I take a few orders and hope that the manager likes him.

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