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Okay so since I feel so bad about being so inactive for so long, I'm going to double update for you guys.

Buckle up because the next 2 chapters are gonna be pretty fast paced...


Gabby's POV- Monday Morning


Today is the day that Michael is being discharged and I'm so excited for him to be better and we can actually put this incident behind us.

Every day last week I went to school, went to work, then went straight to the hospital. The first day I went back to school I was interrogated by Calum and Luke. I explained to them what happened and they freaked out and interrogated me more about every single detail about what happened. I did explain, though, that it wasn't Michael's fault and they got super mad about the situation. Not at us, but at the drunk driver.

They ended up visiting Michael with me that day after school. They were in shock when they saw him. I figured out that Luke is the drama queen in these situations and Calum is the one that tries to look tough but he's actually not. I could tell that he was scared that Michael was going to die or something.

But today's the day that I get to see him in good health again.

Karen went to the hospital early this morning with clothes and things like deodorant and another throw-away toothbrush and things.

It's about 7:30 now and I'm already on the highway on my way to the hospital. My mother, of course, fought with me about skipping school today but I honestly couldn't care less. I literally ignored her, walked out the front door, and pulled out of my driveway without looking back. Nothing was stopping me from seeing Michael today.

I pull into the hospital parking lot and park close to the entrance so he doesn't have to walk too far just to get in the car.

I look at the time and it's 8:05. He should be out any minute. My phone buzzes and I see that Luke texted me to wait for him outside the hospital because him and Calum are almost there. I smile and tell them I will. They're literally the most amazing friends to Michael and it makes me so happy that Michael has people like them to be friends with.

Calum jogs up next to me with Luke a little behind. Calum's fine but Luke's panting like a dog without water.

I furrow my eyebrows and Calum reads my mind.

"I'm a soccer player, he's not." he says and I laugh.

"Hey! It's not funny." he pouts. Just then, someone opens the door to the hospital and Michael walks out, Karen following behind.

The boys first go up to him and they talk for a second but then Mikey walks over to me and scoops me up, spinning me around before kissing me and setting me back down on the ground. He hugs me tightly and I hug him back.

"If there was anyone I'd want to survive this with, it would be you." he whispers and I smile.

"I love you." I say and he kisses me.

"So why don't we all go to my house and spend the day there, yeah?" Mikey says and we all nod while Karen goes to get the car.

"Yeah, I'm down." Calum says.

"Fine but I'm going in the car with Gabby because one, Calum's car is too far, and two, he's mean." Luke whines while crossing his arms like a child.

"Okay." I say, laughing.

Karen pulls up and asks Mikey what the plan is. Calum ends up going to his car and he says he'll meet us there. Mikey goes with his mom and Luke comes with me.

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