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I still have head lice and it's killing me...


Gabby's POV

My alarm wakes me up and for once, I'm happy to be awake. As soon as I open my eyes, I smile because of what happened yesterday with Michael. I can finally call myself someone's girlfriend. And not just anyone, but Michael Clifford. The guy I liked since I saw him the first time he moved in next door.

I finally get out of my daydream and turn off my alarm, sitting up and throwing my legs over the side of my bed.

After I get changed and ready for school, I go downstairs and attempt to get breakfast, but then my mother walks down the stairs.

"Gabriella!" she screams.

"What?" I say, rolling my eyes, continuing what I'm doing. She pauses for a second, then she continues clunking her high heels down the stairs.

"I'm going to ignore that tone you're using and cut to the chase. Take my work bag and my purse and put it in my car."

She sets them down by the door and walks into the kitchen to make her coffee. I roll my eyes again, then walk to the door to bring her stuff to the car. Once I do that, she's walking out the door with her to-go cup of coffee, walking to the car.

"I'm going to work now. Don't you dare get lower than a 100 on this test today or you'll pay." she points a finger at me.


She gets into the car and I walk to her side and motion for her to roll down the window. When she does, I finally work up the courage to say what I want to rub in her face.

"By the way, Michael is my boyfriend. Have a great day at work!" I sarcastically say and I begin to walk back toward the house, ignoring her yelling.

I walk in the door and slam it behind me, locking it. By the time I walk into the kitchen, she ceased her yelling and pulled out of the driveway.

I finish eating breakfast, then I grab my books and phone and whatnot, and I lock the front door behind me as I'm walking out of the house. I get in the car and pull out of the driveway, as my mother did moments ago.


Lunch comes, and I walk to my usual table in the back with my book. I sit down and I see Michael approaching with his friend. I think his name was Calum?

I beam at Michael and he and his friend pull up chairs to sit at the table.

"Hey Gabby. This is my friend Calum. You remember him, don't you?" Michael says as he sits next to me, Calum across from us both.

"Yeah, I do. It's nice to actually meet you properly, Calum." I smile at him and he smiles right back.

"It's nice to meet you, too. I've heard a lot about you." he says and Michael kicks him underneath the table.

"Ow!" Calum laughs, "What was that for?"

Michael only sticks his tongue out at him like a child, and continues to eat. I grab the pear out of my bag and start eating it. When I'm done, I wrap it up in a paper towel and Michael takes it from me to throw it out. He sits back down, and I thank him.

"Is that all you're going to eat?" Michael softly asks me.

"Yeah, why?" I say and he takes my hand in his and smiles.

"Just wondering." he replies and he kisses my cheek.

Confused, I timidly smile and continue to make conversation with the two boys.


School ends and I go to work, like usual. The rest of the school day went by normally. I really think I did really good on the test we had and Ashton thinks so too. Ashton and I went back to our normal selves around each other. We just agreed to forget about what happened and continue our friendship normally and I'm really grateful for that.

I take my post at the register at exactly 3:00 and the normal rush comes and goes. At about 5:45, Michael walks in and goes straight to my register.

"Heyyyyyy baby girl. What's up?" he says and I laugh.

"Wow, you're good at this." I sarcastically say and he fake-flips his hair.

"I know." he laughs.

"So, what'll you have?" I ask and he orders his usual. He pays and waits for me until I get off shift. He walked here, so I drive him back to my house. He walks into his house after we promise to see each other later, then I walk up to my room.

I shower and clean my uniform, then I start my homework. After about 10 minutes, I hear a guitar start playing. Of course, I look into Michael's window and sure enough, it's him. I smile, then put my stuff down on my bed, already walking to the window.

I climb through his and sit down on the floor, listening. He sees that I'm here, but he continues.

"Hello there, the angel from my nightmare. The shadow in the background of the morgue, the unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley, we can live like Jack and Sally if we want. You can always find me and we'll have Halloween on Christmas and in the night we'll wish this never ends, we'll wish this never ends..."

He continues and I tap my fingers and sometimes hum along until the song ends.

"That was really good. Where did you learn how to play?" I ask and he smiles, putting the guitar down behind him and making a space for me to sit next to him.

"I'm self-taught." he says. He wraps his arms around me and I melt into him.

"Well, you're really good. You could make a career out of that, you know that, right?" I say and he laughs.

"Yeah, I know. I'll never make it, though. I love music, but I would never make it in the music business." he explains and I nod.

"I get it. You're still amazing though." I say and he smiles at me before slowly kissing me.

When we finally say our good nights, I finish my homework and eat a quick dinner. I climb into bed and read a little before turning off my light and falling asleep.


I liked this chapter yay!

Love ya'll!

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