Chapter 1

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       Coughing on smoke, I dragged myself forward again. I strained to hear anything other than crackling flames and crumbling rubble, but nothing. I tried to cry for help but my throat was dry and hoarse from coughing. Pain smarted in my leg and I looked back to see a trail of blood against the rock leading back the way I had come.
      Before I could drag myself any further, my arms shook under me, before giving out and I passed out.

A few hours earlier
     "Slow down, Y/N!" Toph howled as I dragged her down the street by our hooked elbows.
      "We have to get there before they run out!" I laughed. Finally, we halted in front of the deserted ice cream stand, Toph crashing into me, while my mouth dropped open, "Out of Stock!" I read the sign.
     "You fucking kidding me?" Toph sighed.
     "Looking for these, ladies!?" a voice cried to our left, causing us both two look around.
      Sokka and Aang stood against a building, each holding two ice cream cones. "Alright!" Toph and I grabbed ours, Toph asking, "How'd you two dumbasses get here first?"
      "One of us can fly, remember?" Aang laughed.
      Katara came up behind me, having been resolved to walk into town while the rest of us ran, "I still don't see what the big deal is."
      "This village is supposed to have the most amazing blueberry ice cream!" I reminded her.
     "Yeah, yeah, I know that but—" she was cut off by Aang sticking his ice cream cone in her face.
      "Just try it, babe! Here, you can have some of mine,"
      Grumbling, Katara opened her mouth to taste some, but Toph interrupted with, "Guys, something's coming-something big. And there's a lot."
      The next second a scream rent the air. A woman came racing into town, "The Fire Nation! They're on the way here!"
      Like a switch had been flipped, the town exploded into chaos. "How did they find us this time?" Aang wondered.
      "That doesn't matter," Toph said, "What matters is protecting the town."
      As the words left her mouth, soldiers clad in red and black riding rhinos stormed the streets. Racing forward, Toph stamped her foot and sent two of them flying. Katara and Sokka tried to usher the towns people away from the action and Aang drew out his glider. "Give me a lift to higher ground?" I asked.
      He nodded and dropped me on the roof of the highest building. I removed the bow from around my shoulders and got to work. I was proud of my skills with a bow. Soldiers dropped like flies, but it wasn't long before the leader bellowed, "Take out the archer!"
      The fire benders they had deployed raced for my hiding spot. I fired at the closest one—and missed.
      Cursing, I nocked again, but it was too late. I felt the floor under my feet give way, felt the heat of the explosion and heard Aang cry out, "Y/N!"
      Before darkness.

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