Chapter 12

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          After what seemed like forever and my muscles we burning, we dragged ourselves onto the beach. I flopped down on my stomach and let the waves lap at my legs, while Zuko flipped over on his back, his chest heaving.
            "You. Are. Fucking. Insane,"
             "We're alive, aren't we? And free?" I dragged myself to my feet, my skirt clinging to my legs, and started to make my way down the beach. My feet fought the sand, but I kept ranting, turning to face Zuko who had started following me and walking backwards, "Ugh, I never want to be in a Fire Nation prison again—I mean, I'd rather not be in any prison—"
   "—but like have you never heard of cleaning, maybe some air freshener?"
   "Y'know what, I'm starved. To celebrate our freedom—thanks to me—I say we find the nearest village and eat our weight in—"
  "What?" I followed his gaze behind me where a little boy stood maybe ten paces away, watching us, curiously. The moment my eyes landed on him, he took off down the beach.
  "Hey!" I cried, chasing after him. Zuko chased after me, still saying my name, but alternating between "stop" and "wait" as well.
  By the time we caught up to the boy, he had already reached an grown man who stood in the doorway of an old boathouse and was saying something to him. It was apparent he was ratting on the two people who washed up on the beach from seemingly nowhere, talking about a Fire Nation prison, as he looked pointedly at us as we approached, asking, "You two need some help?"
  Zuko caught up to me in time to lurch in front of me, sticking out a protective arm and backing me up, "No, we're fine, thank you."
  "W-Wait," I said, "Maybe—"
  He turned me and led me back down the beach, "No, Y/N. We can take care of ourselves."

No one's POV:
  Y/N rubbed her hands together, warming them as she sat in front of their fire, rolling her eyes as she heard another splash and Zuko cursing. "Do you want help?!" she called again.
  "No," he said, more annoyed than the last time. He stood knee deep in the water with one of his swords, stabbing at fish. Y/N held her palms out over the flame again, just hoping he didn't stab himself in the foot. Certainly he was smarter than that, but she knew she would if she attempted it.
  Her thoughts were cut off by a shadow looming over her. She glanced up sharply, but saw a welcome sight.

  Zuko gave Y/N a sideways glance as she waded up to him, holding her skirt halfway up her thighs with one hand. "How's it going?"
  "How do you think?" he snorted, but was happy for the company. He mused, "If only, I had a—"
  "Fishing pole?" she finished and held one out to him.
  "Yeah," Zuko said, surprised, "Where did you—?"
  His eyes landed on the little boy from before on the shoreline, watching them. He turned back to his companion in frustration, "Y/N, we don't need help."
  Her smirk turned into a somber expression, "Zuko, please. I am hungry, tired, and still soaked through and I know you are too."
  "But if they find out I'm a fire bender—"
"Then I'll take their attention off you by mentioning that I stabbed a man to death. Come on,"
  Without waiting for him, she waded back to shore to meet up with the kid.

  The smell of cooked fish filled the small house as I helped the woman set the table. The little boy would not leave Zuko's side, chattering on and on. He could only get in an "Uh-huh?" "Oh, yeah?" or "You don't say," every now and then between shooting me annoyed glances, but I just laughed at him.
  Finally the boy's mother cut in, "Pip, why don't you give the nice man a break and wash up for dinner?"
            "Okay," the boy moaned, before leaving the room.
            His mother laughed, "He's quite excited you're here. It's not every day we have guests."
            I smiled, warmly, but Zuko said, somberly, "We won't be too much trouble, ma'am. We'll leave first thing in the morning."
            Her expression didn't change, insisting, "Nonsense. You can stay here as long as you need," then asking, "Do you have names?"
            "Oh, I'm Lee, and this is my wife..."
            "Katara," I offered, blushing at Zuko calling me his wife.
            "Lee and Katara. It's nice to meet you both—excuse me, I'll take dinner off the fire,"
            As she walked out of earshot, I turned to exchange a mischievous smile with my "husband," but found Zuko eyeing me like I had two heads, "What?"
            "Nothing," he said after a moment, but only after his eyes had traveled up and down me—a sensation I normally welcomed, but now felt off.
  Soon, the two of use, plus Pip and his parents were seated at the meal. "Pip says you both washed up on the beach," the woman laughed, "Is that true?"
"Well..." I started, "Um..."
"Our boat crashed into those cliffs," Zuko butted in, quickly, "We're lucky to be alive."
  "Ah, yes," the man said, "Nasty business traveling around those things. Rough sailing for even the most experienced sailors."
I put a hand on Zuko's arm, "My husband is a very skilled sailor. We're from a small fishing village north of here and we were going to sell our catch farther south."
"Yes, but now all our supplies is at the bottom of the sea," Zuko added, playing along. Suddenly, he fixed me with a very real look of regret, "I'm sorry."
  "Don't be...dear," I tried to keep up the charade, but couldn't help but furrow my brows at him in a silent question, "It's not your fault...that those cliffs are so rough."
  "Well, if you're traveling back north, I should warn you," the father cut in, seeming caught of guard by our private conversation, "We've heard rumors of a Fire Nation battalion headed south. Careful not to run into them."
  "We are actually going to be traveling east for a few weeks to get out of their path hopefully," the woman added.
  Pip chimed in excitedly, "You guys should come with us!"
  "No, we need to be getting home," Zuko said, "Everything needs to get back to the way it was."
  I mirrored the families odd looks at his strange phrasing, but butted in, "Thank you for the offer though...And thank you for this delicious dinner. We should turn in for the night."
  With that I jumped up from my seat and dragged Zuko with me.

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