Chapter 4

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       Lee didn't speak to me the rest of the evening and the next morning as we set off. I trailed a few paces behind him, not only because of my leg, but because I was pretty pissed at him too.
      With the sunset came a light mist, which by dark was a complete downpour. Lee was still pushing forward, his eyes on his feet. "Lee!" I called over the roar, shivering violently, "We need to find shelter!"
       He turned and scowled at me. His dark hair was plastered down to his forehead and I watched raindrops drip from the tip of his nose. "You go ahead—since I'm so used to being alone."
       "Maybe I will, I can't risk dying from hypothermia out here, as I actually have someone waiting for me,"
       Lee flinched again, before snapping, "Fine." He spun on his heel and continued to stalk straight ahead.
       I paused, but despite what I just said, I continued after him. I didn't exactly have a plan B and Lee was still like a damn magnet. Even when he's royally pissing me off.
       We were passing through a small village. I was about to plead with him again, when the warm glow of an open doorway cut through the darkness, just barely reaching us. Dark silhouettes surged from it towards us. Lee and I backed up a few paces, both tensing.
       But a voice called, "Do you need a place to stay?"
       And a second, "Please come inside! You're both soaked to the bone!"
       It was a small family. A man, woman, and two teenagers, all carrying umbrellas. I'd never been so happy to see an umbrella in my life!
       Lee grabbed my wrist, "We're fine. Thank—!"
       I yanked away from him and ducked under the mother's umbrella, laughing, "Yes. Thank you!"
       Lee scowled at me as the son stretched to get his umbrella over Lee's head. I fixed my companion with my best puppy dog eyes and—
No ones POV:
        Fucking hell! What spell did this witch have him under! Y/N fixed him with a look and Zuko felt his insides melting. Before he knew it he was being led into the house by the family, like he was in a trance. It was with that pitiful look glued to his eyeballs that he animatedly dried off and changed into the clothes they offered. He just had enough sense to dodge the family after—their eyes filled with unasked questions—and retreat to the covered porch.
       Y/N finally pried herself away from the doting mother and daughter and asked, "Do you know where my friend is?"
        The older woman stammered, her musings cut off by the question, then, "Well, he's over there."
         Y/N followed her finger to see her partners silhouette on the porch, sitting cross legged just to the right of the doorway. "Not a very friendly young man," the woman mused.
          "I know," Y/N murmured.
          "Can I get you something to eat or drink, some tea perhaps?" she asked, changing the subject.
         "Tea would be great,"

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