Chapter 16

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               The morning brought on a different mood as they set out. Iroh took the reins and Y/N and Zuko chose to ride in the back, his arm around her shoulders, as everyone laughed and chatted away. It was nearing noon when Y/N glanced around and said suddenly, "Hey, stop here. I recognize the area!"
                "You do?" Zuko asked, but she was already jumping out the back and walking away, "Hey!"
                "Catch up with her," his uncle laughed, "I'll handle the cart."
                Zuko had almost caught up to Y/N as she turned onto a footpath, rambling about still recognizing things, when a young boy appeared on the path. His mouth dropped open, "Y/N? Y/N!"
He turned tail and took off down the path, leading down the hill towards the sea. "Hey!" Y/N laughed, before grabbing Zuko's hand and dragging him, running, after the boy.
"Y/N! Slow down!" Zuko cried, tripping and stumbling on the rocky path, "Y/N, what is—?"
They had come very suddenly upon a little village. Just ahead, the boy halted in the street and called to no one in particular, "Y/N's home!"
Y/N squealed, letting go of Zuko's hand to wave with both her hands as half the village called out greetings.
"Wait, this is your village?" Zuko asked.
She beamed, "Yeah."
"You know all these people?"
"Most of them. There's only about fifty people in our village—Okay, let me show you around—Oh, and you have to meet my parents!"
All the color drained from Zuko's face. "Meet your parents?" he echoed in pure dread.
But Y/N was already pulling him along again, talking a mile a minute and pointing out every other building, not that he could understand any of it with all the people swarming them to greet her. Finally they pulled away from the center of the town where it was quieter. These were mostly houses instead of businesses, however, Zuko noticed that a couple of men were following them.
"Y/N! Wait a second!" they called.
"Hey, Y/N," Zuko said, "Those men want to talk to you."
But she didn't hear. She had stopped at a small house pushed back into the trees, still beaming, "This is my house, Zuko."
But she had dashed ahead of him and threw open the front door, "Mama? Papa? I'm home!"
No one.
By now the two men had caught up and stood with Zuko in the doorway. "Y/N—" one of them tried again, but she pushed past them and back outside, grabbing Zuko again.
"Silly me, its the middle of the day. They'll be at the shop,"
She dragged him farther down the hill, "It's an adorable little bait and tackle shop, wait until you see it."
"Y/N, hold on!"
But they had already reached the building. "Adorable" wasn't the word Zuko would use to describe it. "Run-down" or "cramped" was more accurate. But Y/N threw open the door. A man stood at the counter, "Y/N?"
"Uncle Augie!" she threw her arms around the man. Coming in behind her, Zuko noticed that again, it was just the three of them. A moment later, the two other men caught up, thoroughly out of breath now.
But now they all stood around Y/N like she might collapse. Zuko had a terrible sinking feeling.
"Uncle Augie, where's Mama and Papa?"
The man's face fell and tears filled his eyes. Y/N's face fell and Zuko's heart felt as if it would collapse in on itself.
"Uncle Augie?"
"Y/N, your parents...we had the worst bought of fever we had in years a few months ago. A lot of people caught it and a lot of people passed...including your folks,"
One of the others hurriedly dragged a chair beneath Y/N as she collapsed. Zuko placed both hands on her shoulders to steady her. She stared off into space, tears filling her eyes, "They're gone?"

           Zuko spoke with Uncle Augie, whom he learned was just a family friend, to discuss them staying in the family's house, before setting out to find Uncle Iroh and Y/N. He found them sitting on a rock overlooking the beach. His uncle had Y/N's hand in both of his and they were talking. Zuko slowed up as he came within earshot.
           "You think so?" Y/N sniffed.
           "I know so, my dear,"
           She nodded, "That's good."
           That's when Iroh noticed Zuko standing there. He patted Y/N's hand, "Excuse me."
            He paused next to Zuko who told him where they were staying, then headed back into town. When he was gone, Zuko came up behind Y/N quietly. She cast him a quick glance at the sound of his footsteps on the rocks, but didn't speak. He carefully sat behind her, putting his legs on either side and holding her tightly to his chest. She dug her fingers into his arms and shook with sobs. Zuko just buried his head in the crook of her neck and stayed quiet. He didn't know what there was to say and he suspected/hoped this was enough.
           Finally she spoke, "I can't believe they're gone."
           "I know,"
           "I keep thinking they'll come up behind me or they'll be there when we go back to the house. But they're gone...I didn't get to say goodbye. I was too busy gallivanting about to see my parents one last time,"
           "Y/N, don't think like that. You told me you left to do some good, be helpful. They understood that," it didn't sound like his own voice talking. Zuko—who had barely done a good thing in his life.
            She turned his head to meet his eye "I wish they could've met you. They'd love you."
            Zuko gave her a soft smile that he kissed her with, but he knew her parents wouldn't want her touching him with a ten foot pole.
           They sat on the rock until the sun started to set, then Iroh came hurrying up to them, "Everyone's gathering together in the center of town. Must be a feast or something. Come on!"
           Y/N shook her head, "Of course."
           They returned to the village to find the townspeople setting up tables of food. It was in fact a feast. Y/N came up to Augie, "What's with all this?"
           "You know, we always throw a feast when you come home...besides, you didn't get to celebrate your parents lives,"
           "I don't know if I deserve to," she murmured only to Zuko who squeezed her hand.
            Before he could reply with words, the sound of Iroh laughing merrily while spooning up hearty helpings of food caught their attention. Y/N laughed too and joined the queue, pulling Zuko along. Her mood flickered slightly towards her usual giddiness, "You two are in for a treat. We really know how to throw a party around here."
             Zuko bit back a snarky comment, and grinned instead, "Lucky us." He wasn't sure how genuine or sarcastic it came out but...he tried.
              The food was okay, but after they ate, Y/N dragged them down to the beach along with the sea of townspeople. The sun had set now and three giant bonfires had been erected on the sand, surrounded with larger logs, and music floated back and forth across the waters. Zuko let Y/N get dragged towards one of the fires with the others their age who started dancing around it and sat in one of the nearby logs with his uncle.
               "It's a shame what happened to her parents, isn't it?" Iroh murmured to him, very pointedly.
                "Yes, it's terrible," Zuko said, more pointedly, trying to shut down the conversation.
                It didn't work. "You really want to hurt her further?"
                "I told you I don't want to, but..."
                 He trailed off as Y/N danced near. She was mesmerizing—the way she spun and her hips swayed and her hands caressed the warm air. Zuko could feel Uncle Irohs knowing eyes on him, but he ignored him.

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