Chapter 6

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No ones POV
      Dammit, Dammit, Dammit. That was Zukos thought most of the next day. What had he been thinking? Had he really been about to blurt out everything to Y/N?!
      And it wasn't even the danger he'd be putting himself in. It was—what if she's scared?
      What if she hated him?
      And why the hell did he care!?!?
      Dammit, Dammit, Dammit.
      "Lee, are you listening?"
      "What? No, what?" he snapped, earning a scowl from Y/N. She had been short with him all day, understandably, since he had switched back to cold and harsh.
       "I said we need supplies, so why don't you get the food and I'll get water and some arrows for myself. Is that okay?" the question at the end was dripping with sarcasm.
       "Yeah, fine,"
       "Kay, we'll meet back here,"

       We strode off in opposite directions. I cut through an alley to get to the next street over. I had just left the ammunition's shop and was headed for water when a whistle behind me caught my attention. Three very large men were a few paces behind me.
        "Hey, hun. Why don't you come over here and talk with us?"
        I turned away, "No thanks."
        One of them grabbed my shoulder and turned me back around, "We weren't asking."
         "Leave me alone,"
         The largest of them grabbed my wrist and practically lifted me off my feet, "Now that's not very nice. Maybe we need to teach you some manners."
          "Let go of me! Please!"
          "You heard the lady! Leave her alone!"
           Lee stood behind the men, a deep scowl on his face. "Ooh-hoo-hoo!" one hooted, "Who's gonna make us? You, puny?"
           His companions laughed. "Get outta my face," he swung one arm at Lee, who rolled his eyes and dipped out of the way, before grabbing the man's wrist and flipping him onto his back.
           The next man came at him. Lee drew the two swords, swinging one, just cutting the man's cheek before bringing the hilt of the other on his head, knocking him out. The largest one, sneered at the sight of his friends falling so pathetically. He dropped me in the dust, "Wait there, hun, I'll be back."
            This one was different though. He moved lithely for his size and dodged both swords and knocked them to the dirt. He trapped one of Lees arms and twisted, popping his shoulder out of its socket. I heard him cry out in pain, but also saw the rage burning in his eyes as the man pinned him to the wall beside us. His large hand was wrapped around Lees throat. After a moment, my companion dug his fingers into his attackers wrist. I thought it was the action of a desperate, choking person, but then smoke rose from the thugs skin and he screamed, dropping Lee and clutching at his wrist.
          There were burn marks in divots around his wrist where Lees fingers had been.
          "What the—?!" I started, clambering to my feet.
          But it got crazier. Lee swung his un-injured arm and a stream of fire erupted from his hand and sent the man flying. As soon as he hit the ground, his friend was at his side, pulling him to his feet, "He's a fire bender! Let's get out of here!"
          They took off, dragging their unconscious friend behind them. The street fell to silence, except for Lee panting and my heart pounding. After a moment my companion stooped to pick up his swords and sheathed them, avoiding my eyes.
           "So..." I started.
           Lee met my eyes finally, and his face hardened into a now very familiar scowl. He grabbed the forgotten food bag and tossed it at me, "Don't say it. Here. Take the food. I'll get my own. Hope you find your friends."
           "No, wait, Lee," I called, struggling with the food bag, as he stormed off.
           But he was gone.

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