Chapter 17

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                The constant moving helped keep my mind off everything, but too soon, I felt Zuko's eyes on me. Even just his gaze seemed to light me on fire. I made my way over to where he sat and grabbed his hand, "Come dance with me!"
                " please. I don't know how to dance," he said, even as I pulled him to his feet.
                "What?! What kind of prince are you?"
                "Not that kind. We don't dance in the Fire Nation," he said the last part in a hushed voice.
                "You're kidding!" I gasped, "Well, I'll teach you. It's easy."
                I took his shaking hands and pulled his body to a few inches from mine. I swayed and turned in time to the music, continuing around the bonfire. Zuko's steps were very unsure and only kind of on beat for the first few turns, before he became more sure of himself. A small grin began to spread on his face and I led him in more complicated footwork and spins, before finally letting him lead.
               "Good. See? Easy," I said, chancing a gaze right into Zuko's eyes.
               He was flushed and still grinning, "This isn't so hard. It's kind of like fighting."
               I laughed at my dorky boyfriend (?), "Sure."
               As I feared I lost myself in his gold eyes. Nothing mattered except us, spinning, the dizziness, the warmth from the bonfire and my partners body close to mine. Nothing might have existed past the firelight and that would've been okay.
          Maybe I should tell him I love him.
          Nothing would tear us away from each other.
The words were on my tongue, when the rest of the world reappeared with familiar laughter nearby. We both tore our eyes away from each other to see Iroh a few dancing partners away, dancing with two older women. He had about as much coordination as his nephew, but more confidence than a pro.
           Both Zuko and I laughed. We were close enough now that I could feel the vibration in his chest. I realized he had returned his gaze to me as I felt the heat of it again. When I returned it, he slowed to a stop.
           "Can we go somewhere...more private?"
           I just nodded. We slipped into my parents shop and snatched a few blankets from the stock and headed farther down the beach. We kept wading through the sand until the bonfires were orange dots and the music was soft humming on the breeze.
            "You never told me you had a beach house," I said. I waded through the water, knee-deep with my skirt gathered in one hand.
            "Used to, technically," Zuko amended, laying out the blankets, "And it's been ages since I've been there. That was before...well, everything. Everything's changed so much since then."
             "I'm starting to see what you mean," I said, sadly. I started to wade in as Zuko laid out, propping himself up on his elbows.
             "You have good memories of your parents. Hang onto those. I don't have many that aren't tainted,"
             "Did you swim when you came to the beach?" I offered, returning to our more light-hearted subject.
              "Oh, yeah, swimming, sand-castle making. And my mom made us go to these aweful plays! Ugh!"
              I laid next to him and we each rolled onto one side to face each other, "Do you not like the theater?"
              "I do, but the Ember Island Players," he said each of the last three words like a death sentence, "My Ra, they were awful."
               We laughed together, but after a moment, I chanced to ask about something he said, "Your mom? You never mention her...I'm sorry if I'm probing she still around?"
                Zuko just shook his head, his eyes dimming, but he didn't comment about my probing. I brought one hand to his face, cupping the angle of his jaw and caressing his cheekbone, "I'm sorry. What happened?"
                 "I...can only guess, actually. She left in the middle of the night. I very vaguely remember her coming to my room to say goodbye, and then she was gone,"
                 "I'm sorry, Zuko. I've lost my parents, but I know they died, I saw their graves. But not knowing...I can't imagine,"
                  Not replying, Zuko rolled onto his back and fixed his gaze on the stars. I did the same, "What was she like?"
                  "Beautiful," I could hear the smile in his voice, "Strong, gentle. The best mother I could have hoped to have...Sometimes I wonder if she hadn't left, maybe..."
                 His voice faltered.
                 "I know," I offered. I curled onto my side, laying my head and arm on Zuko's chest. We laid like this in silence for a long while.
                 After a while, I wondered if he yet again could hear my pounding heart, because I had decided. Here goes.
                I sat up just enough to look Zuko in the eye, "Zuko, I—"
                 I was interrupted by Zuko lurching forward and crashing his lips against mine. It was a very messy kiss, a little too low and very wet. When Zuko pulled away he just said, "Don't. Please."
                 Dammit, foiled.
                 "Okay," I conceded, "I won't say it just yet. But I do."
                 Holding his head very gently in my hands, I kissed him again. Zuko dragged me closer until I was straddling his legs. His hands slithered up my skirt until he was gripping my bare hips. Breaking the kiss, he sat up so our chests and shoulders were touching and he brought his lips to my neck.
                 "One of these days, we'll do this not a beach, right?" I murmured into his upturned ear.
                  "I thought you liked the beach," he said over the skin he had pinched between his lips.
                  "I do like the beach," I laughed, "I don't like where the sand goes."

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