Chapter 02

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I don't know who in the hell this man is, but he's been following me all the way to Rock Boulevard. No matter where I go, he follows. Every turn I take, he does too. Every jump I make, he jumps too. Everytime I speed up, he does too. Not that I would ever admit it to him, but he's a good driver. Just not as good as me.

I've never met this man before, but I'm assuming that he's involved in a gang if he wears a signature golden chain and is that good at driving.

Turning left on Jorgan Street, I prepared myself for my signature move. This should lose him. At a high speed, I sped towards the abandoned movie theater and up the staircase, into the air. My car casted a shadow over the highway as I flew across it and into an intersection where I drifted into a right turn.

Looking back in my rearview mirror as I gained speed, his car was nowhere to be seen, just like I predicted.

"Looks like you weren't good enough," I muttered to myself, pushing harder on the pedal.


"You want me to do WHAT?!" I expressed in anger at my clearly delusional leader. I was back at our apartment-like compound in Mr. Jones' office. "You can't be serious."

"But you see, darling, you're the perfect bait here. A woman like you will easily be accepted as a hostage to the Crown Heights Gang, thus you start the ambush from the inside for us."

"So you're saying that I'm the perfect bait because I'm a WOMAN? How can you be so sexis-" I exclaimed with my arms crossed.

"No, don't twist my words around. I said a woman like you would work for the job, not because of your looks but because of your skills and deception."

"Right." I scoffed at him. But orders were orders.

"Great," he exclaimed while clapping his hands together. "You will infiltrate their base tomorrow however you would like to. We will then start the ambush."

"But wait. They're probably going to take any weapons I bri-"

"Don't worry about that part, darling. We'll find a way to get one to you."

"And when do you plan for this ambush to happen?"

"Probably in a couple of days." Is he-

"Are you out of your goddamn mind, sir-I mean-no disrespect, but how do you expect me to stay alive for a couple of days in a rival gang's territory?" He's officially lost it. Too much brain damage.

"Are you loyal to this gang or not, Raven? You WILL follow orders given to you by those in command and will NEVER again disrespect me like that. Is that clear?"

Jeez. Talk about being bipolar. "Yes sir. Will never happen again."

"Good. I expect great things from you, so don't let me down."

"Yes sir."

What a bitch. I thought to myself while stomping to my apartment here. He has some audacity to imply that I'm unloyal. Is it because I'm a woman? I get that there's not a lot of representation for my gender around here, but he doesn't have to rub it in my face like that. Calling me unloyal. Pft. Oh please, I'm probably one of the most loyal gang members here.

Unlocking the door to my complex, I growled once more when I stepped on one of my old combat boots in the dark before turning the lights on. Could this day get any worse? First of all, I had to wake up to gunshots outside of my window. Then I had to wait in the LA traffic. Then I had to wait longer than I would've wanted to for my stolen sandwich from the store. THEN some stupid attractive dick caught me spying on the Crown Heights Gang and even chased me-well I guess I had fun with that part. And NOW I have to infiltrate this wannabe gang, which will take a few days. I won't even be able to shower there or have adequate food.

Which reminds me. I should probably shower now.

Once done with my night routine and prepped for the trek that will be tomorrow, I fell asleep to the lovely sounds of shouting and violence that is my gang territory.

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