Chapter 22

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"Come on, Violet. You would usually be hugging me right now," He commented at my distress while walking towards me. It felt like just the two of us in this tunnel. I couldn't believe he was here right now.

"I thought you were fucking dead," I spoke harshly, but even I could hear my own voice crack. He softened at my words when I pointed the glock at the floor.

"I wasn't able to tell anyone, Violet. I had to fake my death for information." He continued to walk towards me.

"Right because the gang always comes first. That's why you left me to fend for my fucking self!"

"I'm sorry, Violet. It wasn't supposed to end up this way, but I'm here now."

"Don't you fucking dare call me Violet!" His footsteps came to a halt.

"...Fine, Raven. Don't act this way. You're not acting like yourself."

"YOU don't even know who I am anymore! It's been over a fucking year, Mason."

"And I promise I will make it up to you, okay? I even convinced Jones to let you off the hook." Only he could get away with that nickname for Mr. Jones. Even though I was still pissed off at him, I could use a friend right now.

"Fine, just get me out of this fucking tunnel." He smiled at my usual angry tone and hugged me tight. As hesitant as I was, the hug relaxed me. Like they always did.

"Where's your pretty little boyfriend?" Mr. Jones butted into our conversation.

"Dead." I hope my tone sounded convincing, but no one seemed to care that I was affected by that simple four-lettered word. No one said a word as I hopped into the navy-blue Nissan GT-R with Mason. Scampering out of the dark tunnel, the other cars followed pursuit with us, the loud engines echoing off of the walls.

"Why did you come back?" I broke the ice between the two of us alone in the quiet car. Why did he come back at such convenient timing? When I needed him the most.

"Well, we were just recently able to take care of RTG after a yearlong war." I knew what he meant by that. Even after not talking to him for so long, I knew every bit about him. We clicked instantly after I had been in the gang for a few months, wanting to quit. But he convinced me to stay with his weird way of convincing words.

"And when did you have the time to hear about all of this?" I gestured to myself and the tunnel.

"You see, I was looking forward to surprising you with my appearance back at the compound. Only to find out from some amateur member there that you were dead, but you're clearly not. But the funny thing is, no one except Jones mentioned to me that it was The Snakes that shot you."


"At first, I thought it was a mistake because you have always liked to live life on the edge and tend to get heated. But then Jones explained to me that that bullet was meant for someone else. For the Crown Heights Gang, you know, the enemy?"

"Jaden..." I muttered to myself, but he heard it. Loud and clear because his body tensed up. His knuckles whitened on the steering wheel.

"First name basis, huh? It seems like every man you get involved with ends up dead."

"It was a fucking accident, Mason! How was I supposed to know the enemies were right around the corner?!"

"Well maybe if you kept your mouth shut, I wouldn't have ended up with three bullets in my stomach."

"I said I was sorry, okay?! Let's just leave the past in the past."

"Fine, only because I feel bad that you ended up with a bullet wound too." The gates of the compound opened, making me feel uneasy. It's been a while since I've stepped foot in here. I never wanted to do it again, but I have to stay. For Mason.

Exiting out of the car, I could feel all eyes on me. I felt like an outsider once again. Everyone had a mix of anger and confusion on their faces. Afterall, I should be dead for betraying the gang. But Mason walked with me like he wasn't affected. Like he didn't care that everyone was staring at us. Or maybe it was the fact that he was holding my hand.

Either way, I still felt protected from all of it by the grip of Mason's fingers. It relaxed me instantly like it always did. Maybe I would be safe here. Maybe the gang would forgive me. Mason did after all, and he's one of the most ranked people here. I have always wanted to be like him, which is why I let him be my mentor.

He was there when I wanted to quit. When I wanted to die. He helped me up to my feet with a warm smile and promised me that I could become a better person. I strived to be better from that point on. Crushing my opponents with ease and moving up in the ranks, but it all came to a halt that one night. During a mission where Mason and I were supposed to come back alive from. I guess it did work out in the end, but I spent that year working my ass off, trying to recover my status.

It was difficult when everyone blamed me for his death, but it soon turned into our advantage. Once again, I was the advantage for the gang. Maybe I will stay that way if I make amends. I have proved my place here in the last year, but I'm sure that trust is gone now. I betrayed them like everyone thought I did a year ago.

But that's in the past now. It only goes up from here, and my priority right now is to keep Mason safe and feel back at home. It may have been too late for the others, but I can start new. Starting now.

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