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         Seraphina was an Angel of the Lord since ever, being responsible for making sure mortals never forgot what was love. At the beginning she lived at the Silver City with the other angels but soon she began wandering between the realms.
         As time passed the young angel visited mostly Desire's realm, Hell and the waking world, founding there that it was the places where love was more present. Some might ask how could it possibly exist any kind of love in a place like Hell but most forget that love and hate walk together hand by hand.
         By no means she would go far as telling that her visits were welcomed by their rulers but the Almighty would not tolerate any kind of mistreatment towards her, especially because she was just following orders.
         Her favourite place however was the one that belonged to Dream - or Lord Morpheus, as she liked to call him. The dreaming was full of happiness and love but unlike the others it was not real. In the dreaming there were amazing things but none were real, only a fragment of the person deepest wishes. Unlike the others there were way more friendly faces there like Lucienne, Merv and Jessamy.
         — Your Majesty?! – it was unlikely cross path with Morpheus, seemed like he would work more than usual when she was there so it was a surprise when he entered the library while she talked about books with Lucienne.
         — Lady Seraphina, always a pleasure.
         — The pleasure is all mine, your highness. Once again I thank for your hospitality and I inform you that my visit shall not be long, my lord.
         — I am on my way to speak with Cain and Abel to see Gregory's adaptation. Would you like to make me company? – although they did not see each other frequently, both of them had a cordial relationship. Better than despise but still not a friendship. Seraphina wished Lúcifer were more like Morpheus, specially because they were siblings.
         — It would be my pleasure, my lord. – the walk there was mostly quiet, while the angel would analyze the dreamers around her the Endless would analyze her. He could understand her purpose since he had one of his own but the way she dedicated he couldn't. How could she be so devoted to love being someone who could never experience it?
         — I see you have been more frequent at the Dreaming. Is there any particular reason for that?
         — Wouldn't go as far as calling it a reason since I am very found of your realm, Lord Morpheus, but I must confess that I have been using the dreaming as a escape. The line between love and hate gets thinner and it is very frustrating seeing but not being able to help restore the love in their hearts. – she paused her walk and so did the Endless. — Not here, here they just let themselves be happy. They love without fear. It is not real, I'm well aware of that, but it is something. Still better than...that. – the waking world at the moment seemed to only think about war and being better than others no matter what. — I hope my presence does not disturb you, if so you can tell me and I shall leave.
         — Of course not, your presence is always welcomed, Seraphina. – and with that their little conversation was over. They soon arrived to see Gregory, who thankfully had not only gained the affection of Abel but of Cain as well. As the day passed by the Endless could only think about her words and thought that maybe he was wrong. Maybe angels were not empty inside...or maybe it was just her.

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