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- You had no right to do that, Seraphina. - that was the first thing Morpheus told her when they saw each other.

- May I ask why, Dream Lord? - although she didn't have the heart to correct him when he called her just Seraphina, it's been ages since she called him only Morpheus.

- Do not pretend, this is my realm and I know everything that everyone does here. I saw you and Calliope. - it was sad for her to see him say the muse's name like it was something venomous. She still loved him, even if it was impossible to admit it, but he loved Calliope and now it was like an awful memory. Seraphina never stayed that much to see the relationship she cherished go to this point, where they couldn't be together, and love was no longer there. Maybe the Creator did this so spare her of the heartbreaking truth: nothing was meant to last, especially is it's good.

- I pray that she never needs to use it, but I will not apologize for what I did. Calliope do not know how much mortals have changed, perhaps neither do you since you live in this bubble you created at your realm, but I know.

- The muse is no longer my wife, there is no obligations towards her.

- Calliope is my friend. - the calmness in his voice made her blood boil. - I have no obligation towards your lovers or anyone in your realm, Dream Lord. You are not my creator and certainly do not own me, remember that before making such assumptions. - for the first time since the beginning of time she raised her voice, losing her temper. - She lost her only son, she is in a lot of pain right now.

- So did I.

- Did you? It does not seem like it. Are you even hurting at the moment? Do you really feel the loss of your son? I sympathize with Calliope, because it is impossible to understand you.

- How dare you question me? - now it was his time to raise his voice, but in a way could frightened anyone. - You, Seraphina, are the last being that can speak about feelings with me. What do you know about loss? About the grief of losing a child? You have never and shall never have a child of your own, and even if there was what your kind call a miracle that could make that possible you could never love it. You can not love, you can not feel. Angels only serve a purpose, the rest is just a void. - if he saw the tears rolling down her face he didn't care, because that wasn't stopping him from spilling his pain and anger towards her. - You, Seraphina, are nothing but another puppet. Just like any other angel. - the brunette couldn't hear anymore of his hateful words, so for the second time that day she spread her wings and left the Dreaming and his lord... Maybe for good.


Seraphina was now side by side with Crowley in Hell while they watched Lucifer emerge from their throne.

- Dear sister, what a pleasure it is to see you. - they gave her a smile that even though wasn't warm like the ones she's used to receive it was better than what she expected from Lucifer. - I hope you stay longer than the last time.

- If it is not any kind of bother to you, sibling, I intend on staying while your demon Crowley does. Surely you must know that we are acquaintances.

- Yes, that information was revealed to us. If it makes you feel more like more welcomed here, we see no problem.

- It does. Although I have indeed missed you, I must request to be taken to my chambers and, if not too much bother, for Crowley to accompany me.

- Of course, dear sister. Mazikeen. - with just one nod the two friends followed Lucifer's right hand. Their palace was huge but there wasn't anyone else but them there, no demon besides Mazikeen would dare try entering there. Luckily for Crowley his angel friend did a formal request in a way for him to stay with her. Mazikeen showed them their room, one across from the other, and excused herself to go back to her master.

- Oh well, I have no fucking idea If I'm in trouble or not. - the demon threw himself on her bed. - But I feel like we're going to have so much fun together, Sera.


a/n: thanks to @Vrrsawant for the nickname Sera!

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