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Seraphina could never really understand why mortals talked about butterflies in their stomach while being in love when these insects had nothing to do with it. Each passing day she would learn new forms of viewing love, sometimes it was warm and kind, but it could also be heart-breaking. It could consume you and make you feel the most special person in the world and in the end, it could burn you to the ground...and still be worth it. The brunette learned all of this while in the Dreaming, turns out that Morpheus was right, and the dreams were purer than any other way.

- Is it bad that I do not wish to leave? - she asked Lucienne while they were at the library, one of the few occasions that she wasn't with the king himself walking around the realm. - I'm afraid that I am a little bit attached to the Dreaming and will miss a lot everything and everyone, even if I know that it's not forever. - Lucienne briefly paused her task to look at the angel.

- You have stayed for a long time here and spent most of it with milord, so it's not a bad thing to feel this way.

- We've also spent some time together and I will certainly miss you too. - although it was true that since their talk about love in the dreaming, she had spent many days walking around the dreaming and visiting others dreams with Morpheus. He was determined to show her that in his realm the feelings were the purest and more genuine than at the waking world. Seraphina had to admit that it was working but at the same time it made her love the Dreaming too much and everyday she would think that only one more day wouldn't hurt. Days turned into weeks that turned into months. It was getting harder and harder to leave this place and the people she now considered as friends.

- Lady Seraphina...

- There is no need for formalities, you know that.

- Seraphina, we know that your obligations require you to wander around realms. I am sure that Lord Morpheus knows that as well.

- You are bringing Dream into our conversation a lot today, care to enlighten me why?

- No reason, lad...Seraphina. Unless there should there be a reason? - it seemed like Lucienne knew something that the angel didn't but should. Before she could deny it and say that there isn't any kind of reason to bring Morpheus so much the one and only King of Dreams and Nightmares entered the library with a few books.

- Lucienne, I came to return these. - he put them on the table. - Lady Seraphina, I did not know you were here.

- As I told both you and Lucienne countless times, there is no need for formalities with me. I was having some reading time, there are many books here and I could spend ages here just enjoying them. It is a plus that I'm always in good company. - she looked at the librarian as saying the last part.

- Well, if you have finished your reading, I would like to show you something. Of course, if you wish to accompany me.

- As always it would be my pleasure. - and with that the Dream Lord guided her through the Dreaming. They passed by the bridge and even fiddler's green, going into a much-isolated area where it looked like no dreamer would go. Soon she realized why, the place was where his unfinished creations were. - I assume this is your special place, where dreams and nightmares are made?

- Indeed, it is. All my creations are made here. - he showed her how it was made and although she found nightmares necessary so mortals could evolve, the brunette was certainly much in love with the creations of the dreams. Their form was beautiful and so full of light.

- I don't mean to disturb, but do you have a preference? Surely it is obvious that me being who I am would very much prefer making dreams that nightmares, but I wonder if you have one too. - she sat at a rock nearby to watch the scene, or perhaps watch him.

- There is no preference. - there was a second before he turned to look at her. - But I must admit that I found easier to create nightmares. There is always some sort of...inspiration for them.

- I see... - there was a comfortable silence between them. He went back to his work while she watched. It was beautiful and very calming to just observe Morpheus as he worked with his new creations. - Seeing your devotion to them makes me slightly jealousy. There is so much effort to create dreams and nightmares, even their purpose...you think and take your time with it. One by one. Me? All the angels? We are a meaning to an end, some with purpose and some not, but at the end we just...exist. It is like we're all from the same mold but also all empty inside. - once again, he stopped what he was doing and stepped closer to her.

- Perhaps you are right about other angels, I have crossed the path of many but none like you. While others just accept their so called fate you...you have not. - Morpheus was close, too close for Seraphina's sake. She though that his words were making her nervous because nobody has never told her things like that before, but if it was anybody else would she feel that way too? If it was the words, then why it seemed like her heart was beating faster when his hand cupped her face, and should her heart even do that sort of thing? - In all those years I have seen you watching them while learning about their feelings. Seraphina... - the way he said her name, she didn't understand what was happening and if he knew and was doing it as a form of amusement. - I could never create a dream like you. - at that moment she could feel it. For the first time in her immortal life the angel could understand the incomprehensible and for the first time...she could felt the butterflies in her stomach.

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