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Orpheus, that was the name of Morpheus and Calliope's son. She met the woman at the few times she visited the Dreaming and even saw their child while he was still an infant. It wasn't easy for her, but Seraphina was the angel of love, and they were in love and their kid was a product of love and she had no right to feel anything bad for any of them. Well, not that she could feel remorse or hate toward the family, after all she was still an angel. It's been many and many years since that fateful day and her interactions with the Dream Lord were the minimum possible, if he notices any kind of change in her behavior the endless didn't comment or maybe just didn't care about it.

Life moved on, even if her feelings didn't - not that she would admit having them at first place. Seraphina thought Calliope was nice and very kind, but she could also see that the muse didn't belong at the Dreaming but at the Waking World inspiring them in many ways. Things were neutral until Orpheus lost his beloved, Eurydice, on the day of their wedding and he desperately tried to bring her back. At the end he went to see Hades and Orpheus almost did it, all he had to do was leave without looking back but at the last minute the young man doubted the god's word and looked back, leading to Eurydice's soul coming back to the Underworld.

Seraphina was devastated when she found out about everything, not only because the tragical end of a love story broke her heart like many others similar did, but also because it was Orpheus - the sweetest boy. His fate unfortunately didn't end with this, because soon the Dream Lord delivered the news that his son died at the hands of the bacchanal. Calliope was inconsolable and so the angel needed to be there for her, since her husband didn't think it was necessary to grace his wife with his presence.

It wasn't enough, the muse needed to mourn her son's death with her husband and not with the angel of love and that seemed to be the last straw. Their love affair ended at the bittest way possible.

- Lady Calliope, are you sure that this it what you want? - Seraphina asked when the muse was about to leave the Dreaming for the Waking World.

- There is nothing for me here, lady Seraphina. I must return and join my sisters, there is a lot to do out there and many to inspire.

- I worry about you, my lady. As much as I love the mortal world, we must not be ignorant to the fact that it is very dangerous, especially for a muse. - she had indeed seen the good in there but also so much evil that it was rational fear for Calliope's life. - But if you must go, I shall not stop you... Although, if you would be so kind and grant me one small favor, my mind would be at ease. - the muse nodded and waited for her to continue. Seraphina spread her wings, it was a rare event to do so if not needed for flying or if she wasn't at the Silver City, they suited her a lot. The feathers of her wings were a mist of white and a light shade of pink, it people didn't know that she was the angel of love before it would be obvious seeing her wings. There was an aura around her, when she was fully what the Creator made her, that screamed love. Calliope was mesmerized by it and almost didn't notice when the angel gracefully plucked a feather, she took the muse's hand and placed the feather there.

- May I ask what is this, lady Seraphina? - Calliope couldn't take her eyes of the feather.

- Remember this day, lady Calliope. - the angel said a few things in enochian, and the feather glowed until it disappeared, but it looked more like it exploded in a thousand shiny little pieces that merged with the muse. - If necessary, pray for me and I will come to you, that is a promise. - it was very rare for a angel to do such a thing, a piece of her now resided with Calliope and even if in the future she didn't want to help it, the angel would be bound to do it anyway.

- My wish is for one day express my gratitude towards everything you did for me. - was the last thing the muse said before disappearing into the mist, leaving the Dreaming for good.


a/n: More like a filler chapter. Hope you all are enjoying it, thank for all the amazing comments!

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