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It was not her wish to remain for such a long time at the Dreaming, but Seraphina couldn't stand another second at the Silver City since the only thing they would do recently was talk about the Apocalypse. As if it was something so close and not a faraway event that - with luck - may never happen at all. Of course, that as an angel she knew of her duty and who her loyalties must lie with, at the end the woman was supposed to help other angels win. The only problem was that Seraphina didn't want to win...or loose. For her everything was exactly how it was supposed to be, everyone had a place where they belonged.

At first, she thought about seeking refugee at the waking world and even tried to stay there but the lack of love and the excess of hate was too much for her. Her purpose was to spread love and make sure there would always be love around...everything. That was the main reason why Seraphine would jump from one realm to another, of course she would observe and absorb the needed knowledge, but she needed to fulfil her purpose everywhere she went.

Two of her favourite places were at the House of Mystery and the House of Secrets, where she could play with Gregory while observing Abel and Cain. One so full of hate and other so full of love, their story as tragic as their parents were. The first exiled couple, the first victim and the first murder. Seraphine was one of the angels that were there since the beginning of the waking world, she saw and helped Adam and Eve embrace their love for each other.

- Lady Seraphina. - she turned around and saw Dream, in her time at his real she tried her best stay away from him. It was better if she did not make him mad at her, or else she would have to leave.

- Lord Morpheus, as always it is a pleasure to see you. - as much as it would pain the dream to say it out loud, he considered her...close. - I hope you're not here to ask me to leave, although I would understand I must request more time.

- I've never even thought of such a thing, but I am curious as to why would you want to stay for such a long time in my realm. - Seraphine threw the ball so Gregory could catch it while Morpheus walked closer to her.

- It is a very beautiful please and If I must say it is where love is most present...even if it isn't real.

- This lead me to another question, If I may ask. - he didn't wait for her permission, at the end both knew she would stay hours talking and answering his questions. - Why are you so invested in this?

- This meaning...love? - for a second she looked genuinely confused but then Seraphina smiled at him. - At the beginning it was because of my purpose, like yours with the dreams. As time passed by I grew curious to the reason why I exist as a conductor of love, why is it so necessary not only at the waking world but at the other too? Sometimes I still question myself about it...about me. If I ceased to exist what would happen, would I be missed? - there was a pause before she continued, his eyes never leaving hers. - I keep searching for these answers, maybe watching will help understand this. Was that too deep, Lord Morpheus? - there it was again, the sensation that Seraphina was unlike any other angel he ever met. The Endless wondered if she could feel the love she talks so much about.

- I believe you must extend your stay here. - when the brunette looked at him questionably, he continued. - You say that love here is not real, but I couldn't disagree more in that statement. Dreams show what's deep inside the mortals, things that sometimes they cannot admit to themselves. How could that not be real? - if the Endless wasn't so focused on looking everywhere but her face, he would see the intensity of her stare. It wasn't a glare, it was the look of someone mesmerized by the other. His speech sinking deep inside her heart and his words echoing in her head. - In time you may agree with me that here you can see love at its purest form.

- In that case I believe that there is no one better to prove me wrong than the lord of the Dreaming, am I right? - and again, it was the kind of question that didn't need a answer because they both knew he would show her exactly what he meant with his words.

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