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Good Omens, being a narrative of certain events occurring in the last 11 years of human history, in strict accordance, as shall be shown, with The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch.

Eleven years ago...

It's been a little more than seven decades since the fall of the angel of love, the one they knew as Seraphina. She was punished for causing the death of a mortal and because of that she became a fallen angel on the Waking World. Unknow to any citizen of the Silver City she had no more memories of her life as an angel and now she lived only as Evelyn. The man who found her was Olethros, later she found out he was the Destruction of the Endless, the prodigal who left his realm and his duty because he wanted to be more than just destruction.

For seventy-nine years the two stayed together, the Endless taught her everything he knew about humanity. He was the one that chose her name and over the years, when Olethros became too weird to be used, she was the one who chose his. He was also the reason she found out that she was a fallen angel, but not the reason why. It was inevitable that two people who were so close to each other wouldn't end up having feelings for the other. It wasn't a burning passion, but it was a form of love.

It all leads to this moment, because eight months ago a life was created inside Evelyn and now it was time to bring the baby to the world. The fallen angel was lying down on her bed in their shared house, the pain was there but not as much as it should. It was like her body felt more pain than that and it was nothing in comparation.

- It's official, the midwife is stuck in traffic. What do we do now? - Devon, know before as Destruction of the Endless, was freaking out way more than Evelyn. Perhaps she freaked everything she could when found out about the pregnancy.

- You are going to do it. Everything is going to be okay, you gotta breathe with me. Come on. - she took his hand and tried to calm him down.

- Okay, yeah, sure. We can do it. I mean, you can do it. Everything is wonderf... - he couldn't finish his sentence because Evelyn screamed out loud when the pain increased. Now was the moment that neither of them knew that would change the fate of the world. At the same time, miles away Deirdre and Arthur Young were going through the same situation, just like Harriet Dowling and her not present husband Thaddeus Dowling. Meanwhile the demon Crowley was unwillingly taking the antichrist to the Chattering Order of St. Beryl, where the exchange would happen and also when the Armageddon would truly begin.

Six years before the end of the world...

They had a beautiful baby girl who they named Aurora Olethros and she was the light of their lives. While she looked almost like a female copy of her father, her personality was all Evelyn. Aurora was loved so much by them that even though they weren't in love with each other, Devon and Evelyn decided to build a life together. They were comfortable and happy, one knew the other better than anyone else in this world and that was enough. Neither Evelyn nor Devon truly knew what it was being in love so it's not they missed the feeling. For them this was good, and it couldn't get better than this, they were a very happy family.

- Mommy, mommy!! Look, mommy! - Aurora ran to her mother with a flower at hand. - Adam gave it to me. So pretty, mommy.

- Adam gave you what? - Devon, who was nowhere close to them, appeared. - I will have a little talk with that boy.

- They are six, give it a break. - said Evelyn, while giving her daughter a smile.

- Daddy, it's a pretty flower.

- Yes, honey. Very pretty. - he then turned towards the child's mother. - Gotta keep both of my eyes open with that boy. - the woman only smiling, thinking that he was so silly. They didn't know the truth about their future, but of course they couldn't know that their beautiful daughter was best friends with the antichrist.

Present day

Two months before the end of the world


a/n: and with that I finish arc I. Yes, that was always my intention and eveything is happening for a reason. We will get a little more of Good Omens AND Sandman. In a way it's kind of the end of something here and I never ended anything so I really wanted to thank all of you for reading, voting and commenting. See you all soon!!

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