Hiccups and downs

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[I FOUND IT, I'm so happy cause when this episode was announced I was so happy that I woke up at 7 am on a Saturday just to watch this episode so here's my version with Luna's twin (my oc)]

[Outside the Loud House, Lynn is kicking a basketball when Luna rushes past her...]

Luna: "WOOHOO!"

[...knocking Lynn on her back as the basketball nails her in the gut.]

Lynn: "Oof!"

[Luna rushes inside the house as Leni works on Lola's dress.]

Luna: "YES, YES, YES!!!" [Leni accidentally pokes Lola, knocking her over. Meanwhile, Lisa is using Lily as a test subject for her anti-gravity device when Luna passes by, causing Lisa to accidentally deactivate the gravity field and Lily to collapse.] "WOOHOOHOO!" [Now she's in her room as her siblings observe, concerned.] "YEAH! WOO-HOO-HOO-HOO!"

Lena: [jumps down from her bunk and gasps] "Is that it, are we in?"

Luna: "We sure are sis."

[They both scream with excitement]

Lola: "Mm-kay, Luna, Lena, sweeties, you're here..." [holds up a hand to her level] "...and I'm gonna need you to take it down to about, uh, here." [lowers it to the ground] "OK?"

Lisa: "Oh, very well, I'll bite. What are you so excited about?"

Luna: "The Moon Goats made it to the finals of the Rumble of the Rockers! It's a band competition, and the winner gets to record a song demo! We're so gonna..." [does air guitar] "♫SLAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!♫" [hiccups]

Leni: "Wow. I've never heard a guitar make that sound before."

Lisa: "Negatory. It would appear Luna is having involuntary contractions of the diaphragm. Street name, hiccups, brought on by all of her excitement. They'll cease in no time."

[Luna hiccups in worry.]

[Transition from night to day, with the moon setting in tune to Luna's hiccup as the sun rises. Cut to the dining room, with the siblings eating toast, bacon, and eggs as Luna's hiccups knock over the food from the table.]

Luna: "Dang it!" [throws her fork next to Cliff at the living room] "The Rumble's tonight, and there's no way I can sing like this! What am I gonna-" [hiccups] "-do?!"

Lisa: [gasps] "I know what would cure those: an anti-hiccup elixir." [Luna gasps] "Yeah, if only someone would invent one."

Luna: [hiccups] "Oh. Come on, sibs. One of you has to know how to get rid of my-" [hiccups and falls to the floor, surrounded by the spilled food] "Please, you've gotta help me!"

Luan: "Ah, Luna. You know we're hicc-up for it, but first things first..." [grabs a fork; to her siblings] "Everybody hurry and eat while she's down!"

[The other siblings eat quickly but Lena just looks at her twin on the ground and gives Lana her food.]

[Luna is now outside with Lana, who removes the lids from two smelly trash cans.]

Lana: "Trust me, I know how to get rid of hiccups." [hops in one] "Step one: Cover yourself in trash."

Luna: [revolted] "OK..."

Lana: "Step two: Repeat step one until the hiccups are gone."

Luna: "Is there a step three?"

Lana: "Repeat step two."

Luna: "OK..."

[She climbs in the other trash can]

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