Project Loud House

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(Here's this chapter and since I didn't get any recommendations I went through all the available Loud house episodes on paramount plus and chose the season 1 episode Project Loud House)

It is an early weekday morning at the Loud House, and Lincoln is putting the finishing touches on something.]

Lincoln: [to the viewers] "Ever wonder what it's like to grow up in a big family? Well, so does my teacher. Our class assignment is to do a report on our families. With eleven sisters, I can sum up mine in one word: "Chaos"!" [Reveals a diorama of Lincoln's daily chaos in a replica of the show's first promotional poster.] "It took 3 weeks, 4 boxes of pasta, 3 tubes of glue, and 34 popsicle sticks, but the centerpiece of my project is finally finished. Pretty accurate representation of the Loud Family, I'd say. But making this thing was the easy part. The real challenge is getting it to school on time and in one piece to give my report. Sounds easy, right? Not in my house. If you want to get all ten of your sisters out the door on time, you have to get up pretty early, and you have to have a plan."

[Thudding sounds are heard. A commotion starts to take place and the water from Lincoln's glass starts to shake, indicating only one thing.]

Lincoln: "The eleven -headed beast has awoken. Wish me luck. Ah!" [He takes the diorama and steps out the door but quickly busts out an umbrella to avoid a pail of water pouring onto him and his diorama.] "Not today, Luan."

Luan: "Oh, we'll see about that. Pailure is not an option!" [laughs] "Get it?"

Lincoln: "I'll just take this to the car later. But first..." [Calls] "Luna. Lena. A little "Man with the plan" music?"

Luna: [Comes out with Lena, holding her guitar with Lena preparing her flute and tossing her pick.] "You got it, man!" [they start playing while Luan prepares to strike again.]

[The younger twins are fighting over a dollar.]

Lola: "It's my dollar!"

Lana: "No, it's mine!"

Lola: "Let go!"

Lana: "No, you let go!"

Lincoln: [To the viewers pointing at the twins.] "Right on cue."

Lola: "You let go!"

Lana: "Stop it!"

[Lincoln takes their dollar.]

Younger Twins: "Hey!"

Lincoln: [gives them exact change] "Half for Lola, half for Lana."

Younger Twins: "Thanks, Lincoln!"

Lucy: [right behind her brother] "Good morning, Lincoln."

Lincoln: [startled] "Yah! Good morning, Lucy."

Lucy: "For my new poem, I need a word that rhymes with "choose"."

[Lily starts walking around the room.]

Lincoln: " about "lose"?"

Lucy: "That works." [writes it down]

Lincoln: [holding Lily's baby clothes] "Time to get dressed, Lily!"

Lynn: [with a football] "Hey, Lincoln! Think fast!" [tosses it]

[Lincoln tosses Lily in the air and catches the football.]

Lynn: [chuckles] "Nice catch, Lincoln."

Lincoln: "Nice throw, Lynn." [gives it back to Lynn. He catches Lily and starts to dress her.]

Lori: [on her phone with Bobby] "OMG, Bobby. I literally had to call you right away. I am just so excited about the homecoming dance."

[Lincoln notices that Luan has placed another bucket right above Lori and Leni's door and quickly opens his umbrella to save Lori before she gets drenched by a pail of water.]

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