Snoops On

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(Ok I swear Deep Cuts is next)

[Late afternoon in the Loud house, Lincoln is playing Muscle Fish, when Leni walks in front of the screen.]

Leni: "Sorry, Lincoln."

[Lincoln shrugs it off and keeps playing.]

Lincoln: "Come on."

Leni: [Passes the screen again.] "Sorry, Lincoln."

Lincoln: "Um, can I help you, Leni?"

Leni: "I'm supposed to read a novel for English, but Lily's using them all to build a fort." [Upstairs, Lily is in fact doing so. Suddenly, Leni finds a little purple book with a guitar on it.] "Ooh, found one. Also a green bagel."

Lana: [Suddenly appears] "I'll be taking that." [Pops it in her mouth and leaves.]

Leni: [Takes a look in the book.] "Cool, the main character's named Luna and she's got a sister named Luan and a Twin named Lena and a brother named Lincoln."

Lincoln: [Confused] "Wait, what? Let me see that." [Looks in the book, and gasps realizing what it is, and holds it shut.] "This isn't a book, it's a diary; Luna's diary. You can't read this."

Leni: "OMGosh, of course not, I'd never invade her privacy like that." [Attempts to put it back.] "Though, I do kinda wonder what big secret she was referring to."

Lincoln: "Big secret?"

Leni: "Mmm-hmm." [Points to the part she saw.] "...But I know I can never tell my fam my big secret, that I-"

[Before she can finish.]

Luna: [Outside the door, rattling the knob, singing.] "♫ Back from band practice, where'd I put my key? ♫"

Lena: [Also Outside] "Open it I need to clean my flute it looks gunky right now and I don't know why."

[Lincoln and Leni freak out, Leni tosses Lincoln the diary, Lincoln tosses it back, Leni tosses it back.]

Lincoln: "Scatter!" [Leni dives over the chair and Lincoln puts the diary back where they found it. Lincoln jumps back to his video game just as Luna and Lena both innocently walk in, Luna takes her diary, and they both go upstairs walking past a series of photos of Leni, which includes the real Leni holding a frame over her nervous face. Lincoln sighs with relief when the girls are out of sight and Leni comes downstairs.] "That was close."

Leni: "I know, can you imagine how upset Luna would be if she knew we read her diary."

Lincoln: "Well, technically you're the one who found it."

Leni: [Aghast] "Hey!"

Lincoln: "Okay, okay, so we both read it, but that was an accident, and as long as we don't read any more of it, we're good."

Leni: "No matter what big secret she's keeping from the whole family."

Lincoln: "Right."

[They stand with commitment, but really the desire to know what is eating them.]

[The next day, Luna leaves her room, with her guitar.]

Luna: "Gonna go jam with Sam, be home soon!"

[Lena then exits]

Lena: "I'm gonna go hang with Xavier bye guys"

[They leave, and Leni pops out of her room.]

Leni: "Hey, guys! I'm just gathering clothes for the wash! Got anything?"

[Drags a very heavy hamper into the older twins bedroom.]

Lincoln: [Pops out of the hamper and catches his breath.] "Okay, we're in, let's find that diary."

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