Undercover Mom

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[The episode starts with Rita driving Leni, The brunette Twins, and Luan to high school with Lily in a booster seat.]

Rita: "So, how's everything at school, girls?" [no response] "Anything fun or interesting going on lately?"

[The girls respond with nothing]

Mr. Coconuts: "Got nothing, lady."

[Rita sighs. Vanzilla pulls up to Royal Woods High School]

Rita: [points to her cheek] "And don't forget to plant a kiss right here on the way out." [No one does. The high-schoolers leave] "That's gonna be you someday, Lily. Getting older and more distant from your dear old mom..." [tears up] "The girls barely let me into their lives anymore..." [Lily makes smooching noises, offering to kiss Rita] "Aw, do you wanna give me a kiss?" [Lily plants a big kiss on Rita, leaving saliva on her.] "You know what? I'll take it."

[At the Royal Woods Gazette, Rita heads to her desk when a Venus flytrap eats her papers.]

Gary: "Aw, sorry, Rita. I let my Venus flytrap use your desk."

Rita: "I'm sorry, do you work here?"
Gary: "It's me, Gary! I've been undercover the last six months for that series I'm writing on the dangerous and seedy underworld of gardening."

Rita: "Oh, wow! I didn't even recognize you! Nice work on that piece, by the way."

Gary: "Thanks. Going undercover is a great way to get people to open up. When they don't know who you are, they'll really let you into their lives."

Rita: "Let you into their lives, huh? Thanks, Gary." [She leaves. Gary prepares to eat his sandwich, but instead yelps as soon as the Venus flytrap eats it. Rita arrives at the editor's office] "Jesse, I have a great story idea!"

Jesse: "Whoa, stop the presses. It's Rita Loud and she's excited!"

Rita: "Picture this. I go undercover at Royal Woods High for a hard-hitting story on teen life."

Jesse: "I can see the headlines now. Teen Scene: What's It Mean? This could be big, Rita. Let's do it!"

Rita: "Whoo-hoo! Thanks, Jesse." [leaves]

[Vanzilla pulls up to Royal Woods High School. Rita comes out disguised as a high schooler and takes selfies while blowing gum.]

Lynn Sr.: "Uh, hon, don't you think you should get to class? You don't wanna be late on your first day undercover."

Rita: "Just a sec. I'm building a social media presence." [takes another selfie] "It'll be so cray if I don't have one. Speaking of which, can you go to SwiftyPic and drop a heart emoji on my latest post?"

Lynn Sr.: "You lost me at 'cray.' Well, B-rita, have a nice day." [drives off]

Rita: "It's Brita."

[The bell rings. Rita arrives at the cafeteria, spots Leni sitting alone and taking a selfie, and approaches her daughter.]

Rita: [disguised voice] "Hey, girl, hey. Name's Brita. I'm new here, and I don't know anyone." [makes puppy-dog eyes]

Leni: "OMGosh. I'm Leni Loud, and you should totally sit with me. It must be so hard being the new girl." [offers a seat]

Rita: "Aw. You're so sweet, Leni." [takes the seat]

Leni: [spots Luna and Lena] "Oh! Luna!Lena! Come here for a sec!" [to Rita] "Those are my twin sisters."

Rita: "Oh, really?" [laughs nervously]

Leni: [Luna and Lena approach the table] "Meet Brita. She's new here."

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