Lori Days

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[It's dinnertime at the Loud house. Lana eats her dinner and is unsure about it]

Lana: "Dad, these green beans taste weird."

Lynn Sr: "Well, that's because I washed them, sweetie."

Lana: [Still thinking it's weird] "Okay, interesting choice." [Takes out a shaker, the label reading 'DIRT', puts it on her dinner, and enjoys it. Spitting while she talks] "Dash of dirt, anyone?"

[It turns out most of Lana's dinner got spat on Lisa. She wipes her glasses, putting the dirt on Lola.]

Lisa: "Sheesh. It baffles me that we share the same genetic material."

Lana: "Right back at you, sis. We all saw the results of your latest failed experiment. Where's that thing supposed to live?"

Lena: "It can't live in your closet the screeching is gonna echo through the vents."

Rita: "I don't even want to know."

Lori: "I do!" [Lori is eating dinner at Fairway while on video chat with her family] "Tell me what happened, Lisa."

[Eats her Chinese food]

Luna: "Never mind, Lori. You had to be there."

Lori: [Kind of disappointed] "But I am there. Just not in person. The whole point of these video chat dinners is so that I don't miss any…"

[She starts glitching and the screen on the Loud's end freezes]

Leni: "What, Lori?" [Keeps eating] "What?" [The phone is still frozen] "Lori, what?"

Lori: [Realizing] "Hello? Hello? Talk to me. Talk to me. I need to know what happened!"

[Yells in frustration. Meanwhile, Lori's roommate was practicing her putt, but Lori makes her throw her club out the window, setting off someone's car alarm]

Marisa: "You okay, Lori?"

Lori: [Looks at Marisa] "No! Ever since I started college I feel like I'm missing out on everything with my siblings." [She hears her family all laughing and looks back at the screen. Leni is covered in gravy. Then she loses her connection again] "Wait, why are they all laughing? And why is Leni covered in gravy? I have to know!"

Marisa: "You know what Coach Niblick says. 'You can't read the green, unless you're on the green'."

Lori: [Laughs] "Yeah, classic Niblick. Wait, what does it have to do with my problem?"

Marisa: "What I mean is… Go home and spend time with your family, Lori. It's the weekend."

Lori: [Gasps] "You're right. That's literally a great idea."

Golf Cart Girl: [Outside the window] "Hey! Who did this to my brand new golf cart?!"
[Lori and Marisa know who]

Lori: [Whispers] "I'll turn out the lights."

Marisa: [Also whispers] "I'll lock the door."

[Marisa shuffles to the door. Lori turns off the lamp and sinks out of the window's view]

[The next morning, Lori's car, Eliza, pulls up in front of the house and Lori excitedly runs to the door]

Lori: [Enters the house, excited] "I'm back!" [The only one here to greet Lori is Cliff, who just coughs up a hairball] "Huh, was kind of hoping for a bigger reaction."

[Suddenly, Lynn runs right past her]

Lynn: [Not even noticing Lori] "Can't catch me, chumps."

[Lana is chasing her with a soccer ball, as is Lola, riding Charles]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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