Racing Hearts

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[Lori knocks on the bathroom door.]

Lori: "Come on, Leni, hurry up. Other people live in this house too, you know."

[Leni appears on the stairs.]

Leni: "But Lori, Mom said no running on the stairs."

Lori: "Oh. Sorry, Leni. I didn't real... Wait. If you're not hogging the bathroom, who is?"

[The door opens and reveals Luna, with her robe and a face mask.]

Luna: "It's me, dudes."

Lori: "Luna? Are you... primping?"

Luna: "I'm just getting ready for the Royal Woods Astonishing Quest. Sam's my partner, [Starts blushing] s-so I want to look good."

Lori: "Sam? Shut up. Wait I thought Lena was your partner."

Lena: [Appears from her room] "Sorry to 'disappoint'. [She giggles] "But I'm going with Lexi this year."

Leni: "OML!" [Shoves Lena into the bathroom] "Tell us everything."

[Lori and Leni also enter the bathroom.]

Lori: "This both of your first dates, isn't it? You must be so nervous."

Luna: "Nah, just stoked. I know Sam and I are gonna be perfect for each other."

Lena: [blushing] "I went on other dates before this, but it is my first one with Lexi."

Lori and Leni: [Smiling] "Eee!"

[Lynn appears]

Lynn: "Excuse me, ladies. Mind wrapping this up? I got some calluses to scrape off."

[Lynn wiggles her right toes and Lori and Leni look in disgust. And Lena faints.]

Lori: "It's all yours, Lynn. We gotta head to the Quest anyway."

Leni: "Sorry you're banned this year."

Lori: "Though, to be fair, you were a tiny bit, um..." [Clears throat] "aggressive last time."

[Flashback to the previous year's Astonishing Quest.]

Lynn: "Whoo!" [Tackling people out of her way.] "Move it, slowpokes!" [Gloating her victory in front of other participants.] "Kiss my first place heinie, losers! Whoo!"

[End flashback]

Lynn: "I don't know what you're talking about. But anyway, I moved on. Now, whose file can I borrow?"

[Luna, Lori, and Leni squirm backwards in disgust.]

[At the quest, everyone is getting together with their partner, Luna looks around and sees Sam sitting at the fountain.]

Luna: "Hey, Sam."

Sam: "Hi, Luna."

[Sam gets up and offers a hug, but Luna offers a high five.]

Luna: [In union] "Up high."

Sam: [In union] "Bring it in."

Luna and Sam: [Realizing] "Oops," [Luna offers a hug and Sam offers a high five.] "Let's try that..."

[They realize that they're doing it again, and get a little frustrated, but they laugh it off.]

Luna: "I'm not sure what we're supposed to do here."

Sam: [Offers a handshake] "Mm, put her there, partner."

[They shake hands and laugh. Meanwhile Lena watches this exchange from a far. ]

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