Picture Perfect

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Lincoln: [to the viewers while making something] "The key to the perfect anniversary present for your parents is simple: know your audience. And since my folks love what I bring to the table, I make them the same thing every year: this awesome coffee mug!" [raises a "coffee mug' which doesn't look complete]

Lori: "Coffee mug? I thought it was a paperweight."

Lynn: "Paperweight? That thing is definitely a pencil holder."

Lisa: "Negatory. Clearly, it's a bust of German philosopher Immanuel Kant."
Luan: [in her gag glasses] "I Kant even tell what it is!" [laughs; All the other sisters walk in the scene to their brother.]

Lola: "Clearly, no one can figure out what that thing is. No wonder Mom and Dad just throw all your old gifts in the attic."

[The girls gasp at what Lola just said and Luna shuts her up.]

Lincoln: [flabbergasted] "WHAT?!"

[The attic. Lincoln is looking around for evidence of what Lola just said.]

Lincoln: "Lola must've been messing around with me. Mom and Dad love my paperweights. I mean, coffee mugs." [notices a box] "What's this? "DO NOT OPEN!" Okay." [opens it and finds that Lola was telling the truth and gasps.] "It's true...Mom and Dad do hate my gifts!"

[Luna, Lena and Lucy are looking at the mug Lincoln worked so hard on.]

Luna: "If you turn your head to the side and squint, it almost looks like Aunt Shirley."

[An image of Aunt Shirley shows up and a scream of horror is heard upon her appearance.]

Lena: "Don't put that image in my head."

Lucy: "It looks like an inflamed liver."

Lori: "When he's this pathetic, it takes all the joy out of making fun of him."

Lincoln: [insulted] "I CAN HEAR YOU!"

Sisters: "WE KNOW!"

[Lincoln facepalms in anger.]

Lincoln: "Mom and Dad's anniversary is tomorrow. What am I gonna do?"

[He sits down on a box that causes a flash to occur. He examines it and finds Dad's old camera and finds out there's still some film in it.]

Lincoln: "Oh, I think an idea's developing!" [walks backwards and falls down the stairs] "I've figured out the perfect present for Mom and Dad!" [holds up camera] "Ta-da!"

Lana: "You're giving them Dad's old camera?"

Lola: "Wow! You are cheap."

Lincoln: "No! Not the camera. A photograph of all of us!"

Lori: "Why use that old thing when you can just use a cellphone?" [holds up her phone]

Lincoln: [defensively] "Because that would be like painting the Mona Lisa with a crayon."

Lori: "Wow. This may be the year you don't fail miserably and crush Mom and Dad's souls."

Lincoln: [sarcastically] "Thank you for the vote of confidence." [confidently] "Everyone, to the backyard!"

[They head on out.]

[The backyard. Lincoln is focusing the camera to make sure everyone, kids and pets, stays perfectly in the frame.]

Lincoln: "Okay, that's it. Leni, scooch to the left." [Leni moves to her right which is Lincoln's left.] "Your other left." [Leni gets it right.] "Perfect! Someone grab Lily." [Lucy grabs her and puts her back in the frame.] "Thank you. Good. Just gotta set the timer, and..." [sets it and joins the others in the shot.] "Everybody, say cheese!"

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