A Tattler's Tale

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[Episode begins at night with the Loud siblings in Lori and Leni's bedroom. Lynn, Lena and Lana are having a pillow fight, Luna is bouncing Lily, Luan is braiding Lucy's hair as she reads an Edgar Allan Poe book, Leni is painting Lori's toenails, and Lincoln is speaking with Lisa.]

Lincoln: "So then, bam! My remote control plane smashed right into Dad's disco ball, and it broke into a million pieces!"

Lynn: [gasps] "Oh no!" [ducks as Lana whacks Leni with a pillow, knocking her off the bed.] "The one he got from winning the Royal Woods "Dance Your Pants Off" contest?! He's so proud of that thing!"

Lincoln: "I know. If he ever finds out, I'll be as dead as disco!"

Lori: "Don't worry, you're not the only one hiding something from Dad."

Luna, Lena, Lisa, Lynn, Lana and Lily: "Oooooooooh!"

Lori: "I accidentally scratched the car with my rhinestone purse!"

[Flashback to Lori driving up to a parking space. She turns the car off and opens the door, accidentally denting the car next to her. Realizing this, she tries to inch herself away, unknowingly leaving jagged scratches on the side of the van with her purse. End flashback.]

Luna​: "You think that's bad? Remember the blackout last week?"

[Lena chuckles nervously]

[Flashback. Luna sets the volume on her speakers to "Super Max" as she and Lena strum their guitars once, causing a citywide blackout. End flashback.]

Lucy: "I rather enjoy the darkness. Speaking of which, does anyone know how to get black paint out of lace? I painted Mom's wedding dress for my dark betrothal to Edwin."

[Flashback to Lucy descending the basement stairs wearing Rita's wedding dress, completely repainted in black. In the basement are a bunch of disfigured dolls looking towards Edwin, Lucy's vampire bust. End flashback.]

Lincoln: [to the viewers] "What can I say? We're not angels. Sometimes, we mess up. But the great thing is, if you need to get something off your chest, you can always trust your siblings." [a knock at the door is heard] "Well, not all of them."

[Lincoln walks up to the door and opens it, revealing to be Lola. She enters the room.]

Lola: "Whatcha guys talkin' about?"

Lisa: "Quantum physics!"

Lynn: "Monster trucks!"

Lori: "Bobby!"

Leni: "Politics!"

Lynn: "Baseball!"

Luan: "Jokes!"

Lana: "Global warming!"

Lola: "You're telling secrets again, aren't you? It's not fair! I never get included!"

Lincoln: "That's because you're a tattle-tale, Lola."

Lola: [scoffs] "I am NOT!" [Lincoln and the others look at her with disbelief while a cricket chirps.] "Okay, I'll admit I used to be a tattle-tale, but I've changed!" [Everybody still doesn't believe her as they murmur to each other. Lola growls loudly, tosses her tiara aside in fury, and screams at the top of her lungs.] "MOM!!!!! THEY WON'T LET ME IN THEIR SECRET SECRETS CLUB!!!!!"

[As Lola storms out of the room, Lincoln quickly shuts the door. Lisa checks her list of secrets.]

Lisa: "Mmm. So where were we?"

Lincoln: "I broke Dad's disco ball, Luna and Lena caused the blackout, Lori scratched the car, and Lucy ruined Mom's wedding dress. Who's next?"

Lana: [raising her hand] "Ooh! Ooh! So you know how Dad was yelling at Charles for chewing up his boots?" [giggles] "That was me!"

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