In The Mick Of Time

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[Open on a flashback to Luna's and Lena's first Mick Swagger concert from "For Bros About to Rock"]

Luna: [narrating] "There I was at my first concert, floating to the stage to rock with Mick Swagger himself." [Flashback Mick grabs young Luna's hand. Back to the present, where she's telling the story to the Moon Goats at Royal Woods High School.] "We just formed this amazing bond."

Mazzy: "I totally get it. I feel the same way about my pet hamster." [said hamster is a spider]

Sully: "Uh, Mazz, that's a tarantula."

Mazzy: "Either way, he loves the wheel I gave him.""

Sam: "Luna, I love your Mick stories."

Sully: "Ooh, tell the breadsticks one again."

Luna: "Ah, the breadsticks. There I was..." [flashback to the events of "House Music"] "...struggling to write a song when this old man started dropping truth bombs on me. Little did I know it was Mick in disguise."

[The disguised Mick pulls down his fake beard and smiles. Flashback Luna gapes in surprise. Back to the present.]

Sully: "Ooh. I get goosebumps every time."

Mazzy: "Hey, I bet you guys will make more memories at his concert tonight."

Luna: "I will be close to him. Chunk scored us some awesome tickets."

Leni: [off-screen] "Guys, stop everything!" [runs up to Luna and Lena, who' been texting on her phone this whole time] "We have an epic crisis on our hands! The band we got for tomorrow's big 'Cut a Rug' dance just dropped out!"

[Shelby is literally cutting a rug]

Shelby: "Does that mean I can stop cutting?"

Leni: "Not yet, Shelby. As head of the dance committee, I've got a plan. Luna, Lena, can the Moon Goats play?"

Mazzy: "Aw, we can't! I slipped in that puddle outside math class and sprained my wrist." [shows her wrist cast]

Sully: "Yeah, and when I was taking Mazzy to the school nurse, I slipped in the puddle outside her office and sprained my wrist too." [shows his wrist cast] "This school's got a really odd puddle problem."

Lena: [Looking at Sully] "Ew."

Luna: "Well, I hope you guys find someone. We've gotta jet. Time to get ready for Mick's concert." [leaves]

Sam: [gasps] "Luna, I just had the best idea: Get Mick to play the dance!"

Luna: [stops] "Hng? Come again?"

Sully: "He'd totally do it for you, Luna. You're mates!" [chuckles; to Mazzy] "That's how they say friends in British."

Luna: "Uh, you know, I'd ask him, but I'm sure he's got a gig tomorrow night."

Sully: "Actually, he doesn't have a gig tomorrow night; I just checked his website." [shows his phone]

Leni: "Can you ask Mick?" [gives Luna puppy eyes] "Please?!"

[Luna tries to resist Leni's eyes]

Moon Goats: [chanting] "Go get Mick! Go get Mick!"

[Luna looks nervous]

[Night at Royal Woods Mall. Luna, Lena and Chunk are at the Mick Swagger concert]

♫ It was a hot June night ♫
♫ When she saw the light ♫
♫ Up until then she didn't know what was right ♫
♫ She showed... ♫

[As the song continues, Luna is sullenly fist-pumping as Chunk head-bangs. Lena is still texting on her phone]

Chunk: "Your head's not into head-banging tonight. What's wrong, love?" [another fan lands into his arms, he chucks him out]

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