Future Tense

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[The kids are having fun outside. Lincoln is reading one of his comics, Lisa is carrying a microscope, Lana is playing in the mud, Lily is holding Cliff, Lynn is playing soccer, Lola is driving her car, Luna is playing her acoustic guitar, Lena playing her flute, and Lori is taking a picture of Luan, Leni, and Lucy posing by holding their fingers like guns with her phone.]

Lori: "Say hi to the internet!"

Luna: [playing her guitar and singing]
"♫I love to do nothing and hang out and waste time...♫"

[Lynn Sr. and Rita are pulling dandelions out of their yard.]

Rita: [exhausted] "Ich. I'm covered in dandelions."

Lynn Sr.: "Well you look dandy, and I'm not lion." [laughs]

[A fancy car horn blurs and gets the Louds' attention. A car drives by with a family with gleaming smiles.]

Lola: "Who's that? They look so...so...perfect!"

Lana: [nauseated] "Yeah, I'll say. Their shiny teeth hurt my eyes." [rubs her eyes]

Lincoln: "Looks like they bought the Crowleys' old house."

Lynn Sr.: "Guess we got a new family moving in on the street."

Rita: "Let's put off weeding until tomorrow and welcome them to the neighborhood. As soon as I clean up."

Lynn Sr.: "On it!" [blows the leaf blower at his wife, getting her clean.] "Good to go."

[Lynn Sr. and Rita arrive at their new neighbors' home and knock as the new folks answer.]

Rita: "Hi! We're your neighbors. I'm Rita Loud, and this is my husband Lynn."

[They shake hands]

Bumper Sr.: "Great to meet you. Bumper and Jancey Yates."

Lynn Sr.: "And I brought you a little housewarming gift: some of my famous Lynn-sagna." [gives it to Jancey]

Jancey: "Thank you. How nice. Though, we really don't do dairy."

Bumper Sr.: "It makes our kids sluggish. But we could share it with the needy."

Jancey: "Oh, won't you come in?"

Rita: "Uh, we won't take up too much of your time. We're sure you have a lot of un-pack-ing...to...do..." [notices that the house is already furnished exquisitely.]

Lynn Sr.: [notices as well] "Or...not."

Rita: "Wow." [chuckles] "How did you do that so fast?"

Bumper Sr.: "We don't like putting things off. It sends a bad message to the kids."

[The parents laugh]

Jancey: "Oh, speaking of our kids..."

[Enter the first Yates kid.]

Beatrix: "Hey, Mom and Dad. Can I borrow the car tonight? I have to be at practice and then my computer coding class."

Jancey: "Of course, Beatrix." [picks up a bag of snacks] "Don't forget to eat your protein-based snack before class, and your carb-based snack after."

[Beatrix takes the snacks. Enter the second Yates kid with a trophy.]

Bumper Jr.: "I got first place in the State Math Bowl!"

Jancey: "Great work, Bumper Jr.! You can put that in the trophy room."

[Bumper Jr. puts the trophy in a closet filled with other trophies, much to Lynn Sr. and Rita's astonishment. Enter the third Yates kid with a letter.]

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