Chapter 4

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Narrator POV

Sasuke and naruto kept walking they managed to escape the shinobi's. It was now dark and both decided to camp for the rest of the night. Sasuke went out to look for some food while naruto stayed back at the tent. While sasuke was finding some food naruto can sense chakura. There was at least 2 people that were not so far from the tent that sasuke and naruto were staying at.
Naruto can hear foot steps getting closer to him he closed his eyes for a second. And then opens them and dodged a kunai that was thrown to him. He then looks around to see where the kunai came from. He then closed his eyes once again and waited. Next thing you know is that naruto makes his tails longer and traps the two people that were trying to sneak up on him.
He was now looking at the two people they were in black cloaks. And there was white cloud in there cloak as well. "Who are you guys?" Naruto said looking at the two the two didn't talk. They just stared at naruto for a quick second and then they looked away. Naruto was now increasing the hold on his tails making the two squeeze tight on each other.
Before then sasuke came back with some of the food he had found. He looked at naruto who in his 2 orange tails were 2 people there. "What the hell?!" Sasuke said looking at the 3 naruto then looks toward sasuke and makes one of his other tails longer and pushes him towards naruto. "Who are these people naruto?" He said looking at naruto. Naruto just shrugged his shoulders.
"Ok first of all let me go" Sasuke said looking at naruto, naruto looked away and his tail stopped holding sasuke and went back to his original size. "Ok now who are you two?" Sasuke said looking at the 2 but they didn't talk they just kept looking at naruto. Naruto increased the grip on his tails now the 2 people were struggling.
Naruto's eyes turned red telling the two to talk the two then got scared of naruto and then they finally talked. "Umm we are the akatsuki umm my name is deidara" the guy with yellow hair and his hair was in a ponytail, some of her hair covers half of their face. "Umm am tobi" the guy with a orange mask said sasuke immediately knew who they were.
"Hn what are you guys doing here?" Sasuke said while glaring at the two. "Nothing we were just walking and we saw him and he trapped us with his tails" deidara said and tobi agreed sasuke didn't show any emotion instead he told naruto to let them go. And like naruto obeyed sasuke losens the grip of the two and let's them go.
His tails go back back to original size although they were in it's original size they were still long. Deidara and tobi stood there looking at naruto. He was confused of why they were looking at him so much he he looked back and naruto stood there as well.

Naruto POV

I was looking at deidara and tobi, tobi then just disappeared in thin air and deidara was there alone. He then came running towards me he makes a clone and both of them were running towards me. "Earth release!" Deidara says and the earth was turning to sand he goes to the hole and is complete gone and it goes back to normal.
I was confused at first but then I sense her behind me i quickly turn around and was able to dodge his attack. I then run towards her and my eyes turn red I make her stop in place he can't move I then go towards him and make a rasengan and hit him. And it was a clone after that I couldn't sense him anymore so for now I decided to go and sleep. I went to the tent and saw that sasuke was sleeping. I smile for seconds and then turn away and also go to sleep with my tails surrounding me and keeping me warm.

The next morning

Sasuke POV

I wake up and see that naruto was sleeping he looked really cute while he was sleeping. No sasuke don't say that stuff it's weird. I then look away and see that it was morning I decided to and find some food while naruto just sleeping I guess. After that I went back to the tent and saw that naruto was still sleeping I decided that I was just going to plan on how I was going to make the village. I started on planning on what it was going to be called the clothes for the nins and on how it will look like.
Once I was thinking about the village I feel something beside me. It was naruto he was sitting and was rubbing his eyes it was so cute of him. What no I don't think it's cute I then look at him and we both lock eyes me meeting those sky blue eyes shining in the sun. I started to lean forward and he also did we slowly closed our eyes and my lips met his warm soft pink lips.
I grabbed him by the waist pulling his more towards me while his hands were on my chest. We kissed for awhile and then we separated we looked at each other in the eyes again. And then we realized what we did he started blushing while there was just a pink tint on my cheeks. "W-what w-was t-that f-for?" He stuttered I just look at him for a second and then I kissed his forehead. And I let go of his waist we then ate and just ignored the fact that we just kissed. And we started to walk again looking for a place that we can build our village at.
I was looking at some papers that had the build of the village and all the plans that am planning on doing once we do build this village. While we were walking naruto noticed something we went and it was gate that was almost fallen apart. We went in and saw that this was a village that was abandoned years ago.
Before I can talk naruto said something that can work for the village that we were going to build. "Why don't you own this village?" He said I looked at him confused and he can tell. "Well this was abandoned years ago what if you fix it a little and you can be hokage of this place!" He said and I smiled at his childish act I then gave him a small smile as I sign that we should get building.

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