Chapter 5

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Narrator POV

It has been some days and the village was growing each day there was more food places, supermarkets, playgrounds, schools, and much more naruto and sasuke were then done with building for a couple of days. The village looked new like it was just built. This village grew very famous as well a lot of people started to move in. The village was huge everyone met there hokage sasuke and they loved him because he was strong, he was also kind to everyone and they also saw naruto. They loved him as well for his cute face and because he was also very strong.
Some of the village boys loved naruto because he was cute with his fox wars and tails. And because he also had a feminine body. He had curves and ofc sasuke didn't like them so he would protect him from those boys. The akatsuki had also moved in to the village.( I just wanted them to live there so why not) the akatsuki was the strongest uzu nins in the whole village.

With the hidden leaf

Shikamaru POV

The hokage has called me and my team up to the tower. We made it and when we entered we bowed down she then began to talk about what she needed for us while me and my team just listened. "Alright guys so I brought you all here for a mission." She said and she looked at the others who were also looking for her. "What is the mission hokage-sama?" I said and she looked down at a paper and then looked at us again.
"Well I want you guys to go uzushiogakure." She said and we all looked at each other confused. "Umm you mean the village that was abandoned a few years ago?" Said Sakura and Tsunade nodded. "Yes apparently that village is back and I might say that it had grown then last time." She said we all didn't say anything and she just continues to talk. "A lot of people had chose to go there and live there and another thing is that they have not failed a single mission."
She said and we all looked shocked because mostly all the villages have failed one mission. "And they are also known for saving a lot of people and for making peace around" "And I want you guys to give this to the hokage and tell them that I will like to talk with her or him." She said and handed me a scroll. "One last thing if you guys force them to go in then they will think that we are expecting war, some people don't even survive for a least 20 minutes in there" "if you guys are there for more than 20 minutes then they are definitely playing with you guys" and with that we have left konoha to go to this uzushiogakure.

Back with sasuke

Sasuke POV

It has been some time since me and naruto had build this village and there are alot of people trying to live here and ofc we let them. The akatsuki even wanted to live here and they are one of the most powerful uzu nins here in uzushiogakure. In my office beside next to my chair is naruto who is sitting like a pet and is leaning on my chair. Other than that in my office there are more desks and there for the most powerful uzu nins which is the akatsuki. They each have there own desk there desks are in the sides and there not blocking the door way.
Everyone was wearing there uniform and it was black that had the akatsuki logo on the back and the rest of the uniform was back and some had the uchiha logo on the back. Naruto assent wearing it instead he wears his sky blue jacket. You could either choose the uniform( it's like the anbu uniform but it's black and more different) or choose the cloak. The cloak was more like for missions and going outside the village but if you want you could wear it in the village.
I was looking there some papers while naruto just jolts up catching mine and the akatsuki's attention. "Hmm what wrong naruto?" I said he looks around while his ears are up and going sideways he then smells the air. "I smell chakura" he said and everybody was confused. "It can just be like other villagers chakura" and I looked at naruto and he nodded no. "No it's like *smells the air* some hidden leaf ninjas are coming here" naruto said and I looked at the akatsuki and they just looked back at me and back at naruto.
I just stayed calm and naruto looks at me and I look back at him. "There here" he says I look at the window that you could see the gate and there i see naruto was right Sakura and then we're here. "So what do we do hokage?" Konan said looking at me I just stayed thinking for a sec. "well I know that they are going to come here so we are just going to wait them here and see what they want" I said and everybody just nodded while I look to my left and see that naruto was sleeping.

With hidden leaf ninjas

Sakura POV

We were making it to the gate of uzushiogakure before we can even enter there was 2 guards there that stopped us from coming in. I looked at shikamaru and he just looked st the two guards. "Umm we were sent here by the hokage of the hidden leaf, she would like if we talk to the hokage" he said while showing the scroll to the two guards. Before they can even say anything we see them look at there ears I also look at there ears and see a device. They both nod and say "yes hokage" and they let us in.
We were making our way to the hokage tower I was looking around and saw a lot of people happy kids playing and people looked so happy here. It's unlike our village that everyone it just walking around barely any kids laughing and smiling. We then make it to the hokage tower we knock before we hear someone say "come in" we can barely hear them they said it in a quiet voice. Kiba says he heard them say come in so we all enter and see 5 desks on each side and in those desks were people.
We then look at front and we see the hokage but before that we see his face and all of our eyes widened it was sasuke. "Hello we meet again" he says and my eyes were tearing up I ran to sasuke and hugged while screaming. "Sasuke my love am so glad your save!" While that was happening I hear someone scream well more like hear two people scream. One was kiba and the other one was next to sasuke he was holding his ears while crying. "Sasuke pushes me off of him and hugs the male that was next to him. "I will appreciate it if you didn't scream" he said while glaring at me. I then see the male that was crying come out and he had fox ears and 9 tails.

Sasuke was trying to calm him down but he wouldn't I started to get annoyed. "What wrong naruto?" Sasuke said while looking at the male. "M-my e-ears ..... a-and m-my t-tail" he said and sasuke looked at his tail and saw a mark he covers naruto's ears and screams at me. "CAN YOU GUYS LIKE NOT SCREAM AND BIG FOREHEAD YOU STEPPED ON HIS TAIL!!" He said and I looked at the males tail and saw my foot step on it.

Guys for me school starts next week and don't you all worry I won't make that stop me from making chapters of this story I hope😭😅

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