Dream 🔞 Macau/Chay

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Hey guys, I hope you will enjoy this One-Shot story.
All the characters are an adults.

‼️‼️‼️🔞MATURE CONTENT🔞‼️‼️‼️


Do you know that feeling, when you meet someone just perfect for you, yet he is taken? I encountered this. Yesterday.

I am working in a bar.. Actually I own it, but I love to do mixing shows.

During my show, I saw those beautiful dark chocolate eyes staring at me with admiration. I slightly smiled and bowed my head, because the feeling I had was indescribable. Those eyes were staring at me the whole time. And I just fell in love with them.

When my show was over, I slightly nodded at him - it was my come closer, this drink is for you nod. To my surprise he understood it. He came directly to me, I handed him that freshly mixed drink, he slightly nodded as a thank you. When he had his first sip, his facial expression changed to a bright smile.

Not only eyes but his smile was magical.

However this moment was interrupted by another guy that came to him. He grabbed him by his waist and just said: "Here you are Chay, do you know that we are waiting for you at our table?" The other just nodded to him with forced smile. Then he looked at me and stated: "I'll be going now. Thank you for this drink. It is really delicious."

After that I was left alone. Luckily for me it was my last show of the night, so I just informed the bar manager that I'll be leaving home now and that he should take care of it now and in case of any troubles just to give me a call.


I was hoping for him to show up again. I kept looking for him, however no luck. The only thing that I know is his name and his magic smile and beautiful dark chocolate eyes. Weeks went by, but I was not able to get him out of my head. I was still waiting for him to show up.


I was again at work, when suddenly a bigger group of people came in. I just noticed that my brother was one of them so I smiled brightly, because he was living in another province with his boyfriend. Vegas and Pete came directly to me, whilst the rest went to sit down to the darkest corner of this bar.

"Hello brother, hello Pete, I'm so happy that you are here, how come you did not tell me in advance? I would have closed this bar just for you." I happily said.

Pete was as always full of a good mood, he ran behind the bar and hugged me. "Macauuuuu I'm so happy to see you. We just wanted to surprise you. And of course, if you would have closed your bar for us you would have lost profit. So just dont do it. We are here for business talk with Kinn anyways."

Vegas just nodded to what Pete said.

"Aaah I see, so the rest of the group is Kinn and his boyfriend and who else?" I asked.

"Tanhkun, Arm, Pol, Kim and his boyfriend." Vegas said.

"Oooh, that's a lot, you wont fit to one table. Do you want me to prepare a VIP room for you? So you don't have to shout at each other because of this music."

"Oi, brother, that would be awesome. But you will need to join us later on, that business includes you as well. Papa died." Vegas said.

I was in shock, but partially glad, finally we will be free from that person.

"Do you know what you want to drink? Should I make you all cocktails, wine, beer or should I bring you whiskey and glasses?" I asked, ignoring my brother's words about the death of our father.

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