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!Nova's POV!

As soon as I entered the house I was bombarded with questions.

"What were you thinking leaving like that and then comming after three hours!?!?!" Charlie yelled.

"I was busy, okay?" I said calmly and walked past him but as soon as I was going to climb the stairs he stopped me.

"Give me your car keys" he said as I turned around to look at him.

"What?" I asked.

"You heard me, you are grounded for a week, give me your car keys" he repeated making me Huff as I went towards him and handled him the car keys without any questions because I know that it is my mistake.

"Sorry" I muttered and turned around.

"It's okay, what were you talking about your friend?" He asked as I Shook my head.

"Forget it, it's nothing, just me being paranoid" I said and went upstairs leaving him confused.

My clothes were all wet and I was shivering but I was more concerned for my friend, she was the one who helped me when I needed someone and now I am not able to find her and this is making me mad.

As I was going to enter my room I heard a groan from Bella's room and me being a curious cat didn't went inside my room but stayed outside and the groans were soon covered by moans.

What the hell!!!!

"Jacob!!" It was Bella's voice as she continued to moan.

Well I am out of here! I though as I entered my room and shut the door.

"Well that was shocking" I sighed out as I went to my closet and took my night suit out.

I didn't want to take a bath as I was already shivering and tomorrow was the field day and I was hella tired. I don't need more excuses.

I changed my clothes and dumped my drenched clothes in the clothes basket before tucking into my warm covers and waited for my usual dreamless night to overtake me.

-Next morning-

I woke up very excited for the field trip that I really don't know why but anyways, I rushed in the bathroom and did all my womanly things very fast as I knew my hair were going to take time

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I woke up very excited for the field trip that I really don't know why but anyways, I rushed in the bathroom and did all my womanly things very fast as I knew my hair were going to take time.

I decided to make a fish tail as I am very cautious about my hair and makeup–well let's say I am not a big fan of the smell of makeup but then also I put some mascara and lip gloss and then went downstairs.

"Hey Nova!" Charlie greeted as I smiled at him.

"Hey Charls!" I said making him stop in his tracks.

"What's with the nicknames?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Not a thing, just thought it would be good to change or twist your name a little bit–spoiler alert! Get used to it I am not leaving that nickname anytime soon!" I said making him laugh.

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