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!Nova's POV!

I went towards the door of my house still in my suit with my hair sticking out in every direction and my face covered in dirt and dried blood by the small, shallow cut on my cheek and there was a little pain in my jaw making me scared that there might be a bruise.

I opened the door in the confidence that no one would be home but I was proved wrong when I saw Edward and Jacob having a glaring competition and Bella standing at the side with a frightened expression.

"Guys, don't want to pull your all shit so please do this out of the house, okay?" I said passing them and going to the kitchen.

"What do you think you are wearing?" Bella asked as I turned around with a glass of water.

"Clothes" I shrugged my shoulders taking a big gulp of water and sighing in satisfaction.

"Why would you just go to New York and send a voice mail to Mr. Swan?!?!" Edward yelled clearly frustrated.

"Okay, it was an emergency, okay, I saved them" I said just as frustrated as he was with all the dirt and the bodycon suit and not to mention the weapons on me.

"Are you okay" Jacob asked coming towards me.

"Great" I said sarcastically.

"You were in New York?!?!" Bella yelled making me groan.

"I am in serious need of some sleep and don't you dare tell anyone about me Edward, not even your new friend" I said nodding my head towards Jacob as their both expression changed into a disgusted one.

"I would rather die than being his friend" Jacob said and I was 101% sure Edward would retort but he just looked at me in...... Anger?

"You are bleeding" he said making me touch my left cheek and I winced.

"Just have to take a bath nothing else" I said as I moved past Jacob ready to go to my room but Edward stopped me by grabbing my right wrist.

"From your arm" He said taking my left arm and indeed I was bleeding.

"Just a small gash, I'll use my first aid kit" I said taking my hand from his grasp.

"Are you by any chance...... Hydrius?" Jacob asked making me freeze in my place as I turned around to look at him.

"That's absurd, ofcourse not!" I said with my eyebrows furrowed.

"Yeah...... She is not fit to be Hydrius, she is kind and powerful but you, you are selfish and always cry on Edward's shoulder" Bella said making faces as I chuckled.

"My little brunette barbie doll, enjoy your own life don't interfere in mine" I said waving my hand at him before passing Jacob a smile.

"Don't worry, Jack.... I'm fine" I said going upstairs to my room.

As I closed the gate of my room I groaned knowing that now both Jacob and Bella have the hunch of me being Hydrius.

Like, it's pretty obvious..... I was in my suit and I had weapons attached to my suit and not to mention I look like a person coming to a city after living in a jungle for two years.

I sighed looking at my reflection in the mirror as I took my suit of examining my body for any injuries.

!Edward's POV!

The hatred for the mutt and Bella only increased for me so I growled as soon as Nova went upstairs.

I don't want anyone to know that she is Hydrius with all the elemental power but because of Bella now Jacob know about it too.

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