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!Nova's POV!

I opened my eyes and groaned when I saw the infamous black abyss.
I turned in circles to check if anything or anyone is there.

Why does it always has to be with me? Sometimes I think the universe has some personal grudges from me or else it won't drag me into another problem. It's like that cartoon where the character falls from a height and land into a big tree then from the tree its falls down but a car crashes with it and then it falls down a cliff and so on.
BUT, the twist is that the fucker in that cartoon has unlimited lives but me on the other hand? Only one, pitiful life.

"Still spacing off I see"
I jumped at the sound just near my ear and shrieked taking a few steps away from the person behind me before turning.

"Hey there" Zeus gave me his shitty grin like everything is rainbows and sunshines.

"What?" I grumbled.

"Oyi! Don't be a grumpy bear" I cringed at the choice of his words but sighed nonetheless before giving him a sickly sweet smile.

"M'lord! What pleasure do I owe to have your auspicious presence?"
He gave me a smirk.

"That's more lovely. See. It wasn't that difficult to be nice!" He exclaimed excitingly which made me roll my eyes.
This bastard.

"Why am I here" I asked bluntly. He suddenly dropped his cheerful attitude and became deadly serious.

"This might be the last time you see the dead" I frowned at his words.

"What does that mean?" I asked intruded by his words.

"We have already disbalanced the working of the universe by bringing an alive soul at the border many times, now if we continue doing this... the results might be grave" His face darken at the end and his electric blue eyes turned to a deep blue colour.

"What are you implying?" I don't understand if it is a good thing or not.

"I'm implying that this is the last time you will recieve any help from us and after this you are on your own" I nodded hesitatingly.

Thats what I said! This fucking universe hates my guts!

"Don't be disheartened love. Listen carefully. The time is near, Adelard knows about the past" I narrowed my eyes.

"The past?"

"Everything we showed you?" He offered and I nodded quickly.

"So use that knowledge to solve any doubts you have. To open the portal there is a specific timing and positions of planets, if you are able to stop it till midnight finishes then roughly for a millennia, there is no coincidences or placing of the planets that might give birth to another weak rip to open the portal"
I tried to understand what he was trying to say but it is very...... difficult?

"What are you trying to say?"

He sighed and it felt like he was disappointed in me? Ouch!

"In simple words if you are able to stop the portal from opening till the midnight then the world will be free of any more possibilities of some wrecked animal from opening the portal again" My lips formed an 'o' shape and I nodded.

"So when is the time?" I asked and he smiled almost sadly at me.

"Even before you know it, be vigilant, don't be afraid to get hurt or die, you are the last hope and use your brains" I nodded again feeling a little–scratch that, very low thinking of not being able to see him or the others ever again.

My Love from the Stars (OC X EDWARD CULLEN)Where stories live. Discover now