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!Nova's POV!

The rest of the day was kind of blurry, nothing special but instead today was very irritating boys were asking girls for prom which was way more far and my guess is teenage hormones, arghh! that sucks. Sometimes I really feel lucky to be new in this stupid school, but anyways now I am heading towards lunch and I don't know why but I am feeling very hungry today so after a long time I am going to have a proper lunch.

I entered the hall and saw students sitting with their friends gossiping, chatting, taunting, roasting and seriously flirting!! I gagged at them and went to grab a plate to fill my stomach.

After grabbing my plate I searched for an empty table and sat their before taking a bite from my rice. Apparently, there is a very less variety  in veg food and me being a pure vegetarian grabbed an apple with some rice and mashed potatoes.

I was eating peacefully when I heard someone call my name. I looked up and saw the Cullens approaching me making me smile.

"Nova, hey!" Alice chirped.

"Hello there" I said as they all settled on my once empty table and we all chatted happily.

"Favorite game?"

!Edward's POV!

Emmett asked as they both replied together.

"War of thrones!" Making me chuckle.

"Your turn" Nova said excitingly to Rosalie.

"Crush?" She asked making me scoff.

Oooohhhh! Edward's jealous!

She said in thoughts making me glare at her.

"Yes I had" Nova said making me tense a little.

"Had? As in past tense?" Alice asked as she nodded.

"Who?" Rosalie asked.

"Peter, Peter Parker, we are friends from childhood, you know same school, same city, but after coming here I lost touch with him which put the end on my little crush" She answered making me smile in relief.

"Edward?" Rosalie said.

"Umm......... Favorite book?" I asked.

"Wait let me think..........Yes" She said as we said together.

"Pride and Prejudice!" We said as she laughed.

"Year?" She asked and we again replied together.

"1813!" She laughed again but then her phone rang.

"Just a minute guys" She said picking the call.

!Nova's POV!

"Hello?" I asked as a very familiar voice rang through my phone.

"Jane......... such a long time" I froze.

"Who are you?" I tried to play dumb but no avail he recognized me.

"Oh, don't act so innocent now"

"What do you want Johnathan?" I asked in a cold voice.

"Well, I heard that your friend is missing-what was her name.....Ahh! Elena!...... Did you found her?" I shut my eyes tightly trying to control my anger.

"Where is she?" I asked in the same icy tone.

"Oh don't be so rude now, she is sitting just in front of me" He said.

"And why should I believe you?" I asked as he let a grunt.

"Start" He ordered and I heard a scream which was of Elena.

My Love from the Stars (OC X EDWARD CULLEN)Where stories live. Discover now