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!Edward's POV!

"She will be fine, don't worry Edward" Rosalie said as she sat down next to me.

We were all in the nearby hospital right now and Nova was having a surgery for her leg.

She was still unconscious but Bella on the other hand was wide awake.

She got out of the Ballet Studio safely but banged her head pretty hard causing her to lose consciousness.

Esme and Rosalie took her to the hospital as we all went to rescue Nova.

"I nearly drained her, Rosalie!" I exclaimed.

"But you didn't, and that's what matters" Rosalie said making me sigh.

"I was going to, if it wasn't for Jasper pu–"

"Listen Edward, if you didn't wanted to get away from her no one could have been able to push you away, it was your self control" Rosalie said patting my shoulder as I smiled at her.

She could really be a good therapist when she wants too.

Carlisle came out of Nova's room after two hours with a sigh and I smiled immediately when I heard his thoughts.

"She's fine" He said removing his gloves as everyone sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness" Esme said clapping her hands together.

"Can I meet her?" I asked as he nodded.

"But she is still unconscious" He said as I nodded my head.

I went inside the room and say Nova laying on the bed with an IV and a drip on.

It shattered my frozen heart to see her like that.

Her head was covered in bandages and she had plaster over her left leg.

I went near her and sat down next to her taking her hand so gently as if she was made of glass.

"I am so sorry Nova for not being there, I hate every moment of my existence and I will never leave your side now, no one will ever harm you, I promise! Just wake up quickly so that you can go home and attend prom with me" I said gripping her hand as if my life depended on it.

I heard Mr. Swan's thoughts making me sigh.

I didn't wanted to leave her, not for a single second so I went to the couch at the corner of the room and pretended to be asleep as Mr. Swan opened the door.

!Charlie's POV!

I opened the door and saw Nova lying there in a very bad shape.

"Shit" I muttered before going to her. I didn't noticed anything but my daughter.

It was the first time she said me dad and now she is laying there with bandages over her head and a cast on her leg making me sniff.

"And you said you will be safe" I muttered sitting down next to her.

I knew she was not able to hear me but my emotions got the best of me.

"I told you to take care of yourself not to push Bella out of the way and fall down the stairs! I am so sorry! This is all because of her! I don't know what to say, you are in so much pain, I just wanted to protect you, kid from everything but I failed...... Miserably, I am not able to be a good father but I don't want you to leave, I will try to do my best" I sniffed while saying to my daughter who was still unconscious.

I know I should be worried about Bella but she has been so rough on her own sister making me feel if she is not the same.

Renee is also there and asking to meet Nova but I don't want her to see the beautiful face of my daughter.

She left her at such a young age and so much happened to her because Renee was not able to take care of two children.

I sighed knowing that I cannot stop her.

"I just want you to be safe" I whispered before turning around and that's when I saw Edward on the couch sleeping.

Atleast someone is there who really cares for her.

I sighed and left the room to the reception for billing and all.

!Edward's POV!

I smiled at Mr. Swan's thoughts.

I do care for her. A lot.

I heard footsteps again and this time it was Renne but I furrowed my eyebrows when I heard her thoughts.

"Hydra was also not able to kill her! God! This girl is always gonna hang on me and my daughter! Because of her my daughter is in such a state! And her stupid boyfriend cheated on her for this Nova!"

I was shocked by not sensing any care for Nova in Renne's heart.

Her own mother wants to kill her. She really cannot have a normal life.

Renne opened the door and noticed me sleeping.

"He isn't that bad, but would look better with Bella" She thought making me sigh internally.

"She is really beautiful" Renne whispered making me open my eyes.

She was hovering over Nova examining her.

"Well, you have grown alot, Jane but your name is a little weird, 'Nova' what kind of name is this? Jane was so good, why change? But that doesn't matter to me as you are nothing but a burden on everyone." She said as she caressed her cheek.

But how does he know Nova's name as Jane? I thought it was her lab name.

"I don't despise you love............ but you are not worthy of anything you are getting. Love from Charlie, Hydrius, Edward, love, care but then again you are a witch, aren't you?" She chuckled just like a psychopath.

"I cannot tolerate the mere sight of you and I did everything to avoid it, trust me I did" She continued keeping one hand on her chest and the other on the oxygen pipe.

"Sold you to Hydra but you helped alot, I got a lot of money and you got your powers, it's a win-win situation, always remember mumma loves you" She smiled before putting pressure on the oxygen tube blocking it from reaching her lungs.

I couldn't comprehend what Renee said, how could a mother sell her daughter to such a place? Why was she even doing it?!?! She was ready to kill her in cold blood!

I was out of my trance by Nova's heavy breathing making me stand up quickly.

"Mrs. Swan" I said as she quickly moved her hand from the pipe and turned around to look at me.

"Oh, you must be Edward, I am Renee, Bella's mother" She said with a sweet smile making me sick as she offered her hand to shake.

I looked at it before looking deep into her eyes.

"I think you should leave" I growled at her making her take a step back.

"Any why should I?" She asked in fake confidence.

"Because I heard what you said to Nova and saw how you tried to block her oxygen tube!" I exclaimed as Charlie came in and I gave her a warning look making her get out of the room immediately without a word confusing Mr. Swan as he looked at be questionably.

I shrugged my shoulder and he sighed sitting down on the couch.

"Thank you for saving her" He said abruptly making me smile.

"I will always protect her" I said as he smiled at me.

I just want to have a normal life with my star.

⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ *・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆

One more chapter and we will end 'the twilight saga'!

I am over the moon! Seriously, I don't know about you all but I am in love with this story!!

One more thing, there are more than 70 active readers and no one comments!! I really want to know your thoughts about this story, so please don't be a silent reader and comment!!!!

Have a good day/ night!!

OvEr AnD oUt!!

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