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!Third person's POV!

"that was not anything, Nova!" Natasha exclaimed while Nova stood quietly.

"I can do a check-up" Bruce offered.

"Ofcourse you will do and also I want a blood sample of her blood" Strange said and Nova's eyes widened.

"Why?" She asked.

"To check what you are" He answered.

"Okay now as we all are together, I also have a plan" She said hesitatingly.

"Which is?" Tony said and she suddenly became serious.

"Okay, so.... Adelard wants me to join him, right?" She asked and there was a mummer of 'yes'.

"Right, so if I join him then we can destroy him from inside-out" She said grinning but no one else seemed to like the idea.

"No, not at all" Wanda said and Steve backed her up.

"What kind of stupid plan is this?" He asked making Nova roll her eyes.

"Come on, it will be good" She tried to convince.

"No, Nova, if anything happens to you first your father and boyfriend will kill us and then maybe Einar will take your powers and then again destruction of world" Strange said.

"I'm not that careless, you know" She said but everyone Shook their heads making her sigh.

"You just come with me and we'll have a quick check-up a-" Bruce was interrupted by a voice.

"Avengers, so nice to see that Steven has some friends who are willing to help him" Strange and Nova both remembered this voice correctly.

"Adelard" They both whispered together.

"But you see I hate to see that Nova is not with me so I have made a plan-but I am not the one to execute it ofcourse, not that mad, anyways.... My mundane suicide bombers are around the city of New York, Alaska, Forks, Paris, Mexico city, New Jersey and Detroit. Let's see how many people you can save..... All the best Steven and Nova" After this they heard Adelard's sadistic giggle and everything went silent.

"Fuck me" Tony whispered to himself.

"Now what?!?!" Natasha said.

"We go and save people" Steve said.

"Let's divide, I'll go to Mexico city" Tony said.

"I'll go to Forks" I said quickly but Natasha stopped.

"No, your family is there, not at all. I am going to do Forks" Natasha said and everyone nodded besides Nova.

"Then I will do New York" Strange said as he had to open portals to every place.

"I can do Detroit, heard many criminals live there" Steve volunteered.

"I can do Alaska" Nova said.

"Ofcourse not! You don't have your powers with you" Strange said.

"I don't need to remind you that I'm very capable of taking down some people without my powers and I was trained by the Black Widow and Captain America and not to mention HYDRA" She rambled.

"No, kid you do the hacking part" Tony said making her scoff.

"I'm not going to just sit here and anyways, there are seven places so if I don't go one place will still be left!" She said and everyone went silent.

"Peter will come with you" Tony said and her eyes widened.

"What!?" She shrieked.

"Peter a.k.a. Spider man is coming with you" Tony said more clearly making the girl Huff.

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