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!Nova's POV!

I stopped my car outside Forks in some open field, it was 3:00 a.m. but I wanted to test my theory.

I got out of the car and got away from it incase of any fluctuations in my power.

Shrugging my shoulders to control my emotions I closed my eyes and focused on how angry everything made me.

I was a lab rat.
I was used.
I have blood of innocent people.
I have changed after coming to Forks.
I was not able to save Elena from the torture she went through.
I failed her.
I failed the Avengers.

These thoughts infuriated me and I could feel the warmth flowing through my body and a familiar feeling of power ran through my veins.

I opened my eyes and looked down at my hand to see it lit by flames.

I sighed in relief when I didn't has any side-effect but then suddenly the same feeling that I felt while protecting Bella came back.

It was as if some kind of energy was blocking me from my own powers which I took it on my ego.

I tried hard very hard to push away and break free from whatever that was.

Suddenly a great pain shot in my whole body making me grunt and I could feel blood trickling down my nose to my lips and my chin.

This is something I've never felt before so I want it gone.

My body weakend as I fell on the ground and the pain increased a lot making me scream lightly.

The brightness of the flames in my hand started to die when I struggled to keep it alive.

The feeling was indescribable but I could tell that something was taking my powers from me.

It was like a gravitational pull towards a ball when thrown in air which made it impossible for the ball to be in air for more that a millisecond.

But in my case it was like the center for my power was somewhere else pulling my powers out of me.

When the pain was unbearable I had to stop as the flames died down and I was left in total dark.

I panted and fell on the ground flat on my back as I looked at the few littered stars in the sky and the moon that only appeared like a line.

I never thought I would say this or even think about it but............

I am in a serious need of a cigarette.

Don't get me wrong but between all these stress I need alcohol or something to reduce stress. I have only taken them a few times which helped me a lot.

I looked at my phone and saw it was 3:30 a.m., well I am screwed and my powers are refusing me, damn...... I am in deep shit.

My knees were feeling weak, the normal kind of weak because of my power usage, you dirty minded people, so I went towards my car before calling in the Avengers Tower.

"Who's this?" I heard a lady's tired voice.

"Hydrius" I said but I knew she would say something stupid.

"And why would you think I would believe you, kid?" She said making me groan again.

"Listen here, old lady, let me talk to Tony and the others this is important or I can easily hack into your system, got it?" I asked but didn't got any reply maybe she was asking Tony so I also sat inside the car letting her take her own sweet time.

!Tony's POV! [Didn't saw that one coming!]

I heard ringing in my room making me groan.

Who would call at this hour of night, what a dipshit! I groaned and picked my phone up when I heard Sara, our receptionist making me groan in total annoyance.

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