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!Luke's POV!

I was fairly pleased by the result of this machine, these nerdy, goody two shoes did a great job cause I really had a feeling that we all were going to die in a blast but here we are Nova with that vampire bastard, Edward.

I still can't belive she was in a relationship with him. Seriously how dead can someone's choice be? And now he is sitting next to her in the infirmary bed where we are waiting for the effect of drug to wear off.

I feel so fucking unlucky to be the one to perform that stupid chant but I feel even more stupid, dumb, fucking useless person. She cracked everything up and now she know how she can stop that son of a scumbag but I had one work to find that goddammed place where he is going to open the portal but I am showing myself as a fully useless bitch. I sighed looking at her all red faced from giggling and touching Edward.

Never in the seven circles of hell I ever knew or even thought about feeling jealous but now all my standard are falling just because this Edward the vampire bitch.

His face snapped towards me with a contoured look making me smirk. I really forgot he could read minds. So now... he knows that I am jealous of him and calling him a vampire bitch but well, he is technically. I don't know how they broke up but I have a hunch that it was this sorry ass' mistake.

"You lo–ok so ravishing" She giggled again pulling him by his collar so that their noses were touching, okay..... that's it.. I am not going to look at the girl I kissed without her asking, trying to kiss another man.

"I think you should move a little away from her" I cleared my throat but this vampire just glared at me without making any move to make some space between them.

"Does aging as a vampire takes away the ability to speak?" I know I am being a rude ass jerk but this is just too much, wtf, she isn't even in her right mind.

"No, it gives us the knowlege of who to give our attention to" I scoffed at his comment, stuffing my hands in my pockets, thinking of what to do.

I don't like her, she is no one special and if I try to do anything it just shows that I am getting weak because of some stupid attraction and it doesn't suit with my reputation in the sorcerer world. My friends, enemies and even colleagues are going to mock the shit out of me and that is one hell of a big NO-NO but, fuck!
Does it hurts to see her so giddy and romantic with this dead meat? The only thing I can do right now is to walk away, from this jealousy, this couple or whatever they are, this situation and lastly her.

I sighed lightly, turning around to walk when I heard her say something which made me instantly freeze on my spot.

"It would really be a shame to die so early though, don't you think, Eddie?"

!Edward's POV!

Her eyes are reddened, what drug did they gave to her but this somehow works for me, she is pouring all her feelings, even though the words are crooked, I am understanding what she is trying to say but Luke's mind is very loud.

The more deeply he thinks the more my grip tightens on Nova's bed. I knew from the starting that he felt something for her, his eyes were giving everything away abd how hard it was to control myself because this is all my mistake, if I wouldn't have left Nova here, alone maybe she wouldn't have been in such a condition. Maybe I would have helped her kill Adelard.

I can't help but sigh, there is nothing I can do to change everything, I have to just gather all her courage back. I gripped her hand while she said things that didn't even made any sense.

"Why are y–y...you so handsome?" Mt eyebrows shot up when I heard her sentence and her fingers touching my cheek. I broke her trust and at such a crucial time, it's so pathetic but then again I am a vampire bitch. I sighed at this name given by Luke.

"It would really be a shame to die so early though, don't you think, Eddie?" Her weak and crooked voice stopped my rail of thoughts and Luke from going out. My eyes narrowed at her giggling form, trying to decipher her.

"Don't look so s...erious, everyone has ro die na? But I am a littly, bittily scared although no one has to know" I don't know when my expression changed from calm to one of anger or maybe it was an expression of a scared man. Her words hit hard. I can't even tell if she is telling the truth, her mind is still hazy and jumbled up.

"Oh shit" Luke muttered and I quickly turn to him. He knows something I don't and I don't think that it is something that should be kept a secret.

"What happened?" I asked and Luke looked at me through his furrowed, worry-laced eyes.

"Elementals happened"

⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ *・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*:・

Oh shit, everything was going so perfect but Nova had to just babble everything out, right? I just hate it when people can't keep their secrets to themselves but I guess it was essential for them to know cause who dont loves drama?

I know these are small chapters but it will all be worth it!

OvEr AnD oUt!!

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