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APPARENTLY, DC HAD A HARPY INFESTATION the same way Philly had a Laistrygonian problem

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APPARENTLY, DC HAD A HARPY INFESTATION the same way Philly had a Laistrygonian problem. Malnourished, gaunt faced with sunken eyes, he might've felt bad for them if they weren't intent on scratching his eyes out. Or screaming "vengeance for Kronos!" at the top of their unfortunately very humanoid lungs.

In reality, the fight didn't last long. Alex killed two Harpies, Ophelia one, and this Quinn fellow two more as well. Soon, they stood on the terrace of the Kennedy Center overlooking the Potomac River, breathing heavily, surrounded by celestial bronze tipped arrows and the last bits of monster ashes floating to the ground.

"I haven't seen that many harpies in one place in ages," Quinn said. He held his bow down by his side. "Who the hell are you?"

"We're on a quest from Camp Half-Blood," Alex said. He had no interest in divulging the reasons behind their quest, but if Thalia's Intel was right, this man who looked about mid thirties might be their only shot. "The Hunters of Artemis pointed us your way."

He broke into a smile half way between a smirk and a grin. "Oh did they? Can't believe Lady Artemis would send you to one of us."

"Us?" Ophelia said.

Alex turned to check them over. Ophelia looked fine. Great, really. Face flushed with life from the shadows, Stygian dagger still strapped to her hip, and clean Camp Half-Blood shirt tucked into her dark grey, ripped jean shorts. Kitty seemed fine too. She looked good in the grey and white camo tee that the Hunters had given her. It went well with her blue hair. So, all in one piece.

"A son of Apollo," Quinn said. He laughed a little. "Come on. Let's head inside. Pretty sure the Kennedy Center is monster free right now."

Alex overheard Kitty mumble "pretty sure" but no one commented on it. He kept his hand clasped over Vindication on his wrist. Sure they'd fought harpies together. But he had fought harpies with plenty of demigods Alex figured wouldn't mind killing him now.

After all, he was a traitor to both camps. And where had this guy been during the war against the Titans? Not on either side apparently. Thalia's vote of confidence only meant so much. Very little, actually.

They followed Quinn up some stairs to a set of offices. The first on the left was his. Spacious walls contained various instruments on display. Sitting on a large, black desk was a little lamp with three, moveable heads. There was also a clunky laptop but it seemed to have a layer of dust on it. The triangular prism name tag on his desk looked to be made of glass or crystal, with "Quinn Coleman" etched into the surface and inlaid with gold.

"Take a seat," he said. "I gotta make a quick call."

Alex leaned against the wall, allowing Kitty and Ophelia to take the chairs. He crossed his arms over his chest, watching Quinn settle into his leather desk chair. It became apparent that the crystal prism name tag wasn't for the opulence that Alex associated with Apollo. He watched Quinn place the prism on a tiny shelf unit, angle one of the little lamps towards it, and moments later a rainbow splashed onto the far, empty wall.

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