Appendix B

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Dearest Readers

I cannot express how grateful I am that you all joined me on this journey to explore a what if between The Last Olympian and The Lost Hero.

This story has been a joy to write. I hope you got out of it even a fraction of the emotion, the joy, and the angst that I felt while writing it.

Alex, Kitty, and Ophelia will always have a very special place in my heart. It definitely is not out of the question that they may come back in a future story or one shots. If anyone has an idea of something you'd like me to explore with them feel free to let me know in the comments for my consideration.

I would like to thank my original enablers.


If it hadn't been for you responding so quickly and earnestly to my half joking message that I might consider writing a Percy Jackson fic, I'm not sure I ever would have done this. It came out of nowhere, and you helped make sure it came to fruition.

I always want to thank those of you who left comments all long the way. While I deeply appreciate those of you who left votes or even just ghost read, special thanks goes out to these lovelies:


You are such a constant source of joy. Every comment left me in stitches. The end hug was just for you. My dear you know how much I adore you. Never change. Keep being you, cause you're awesome. Thank you my dear.


Another dear friend. I am so glad you jumped on the train and started reading. Your passion for my passion is deeply cherished as are you. Thank you for all your support.


I am so honored to have met you through my works on this platform. Every time you leave a comment, my heart grows a little larger. Thank you.


I can't believe you continued to read this through your trip across the other side of the planet. I am so grateful to have you reading this. Thank you so so much.


What is there to say that I haven't already said to you? You are one of the most loyal readers and friends I've ever met. To have you in my life is a blessing. Thank you.

And with that, we bid adieu. I encourage everyone to return to the source material and read the next real book in the series, The Lost Hero.

But, if you'd like to find where my boy Alex appears in the main series, read The Lightning Thief. Little did you know that the unnamed Hermes kid on page 129 is Alex Griffith (see chapter 14 here).



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