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ALEX CLOSED HIS EYES AND LISTENED as the November wind rustled the pine needles of Thalia's Tree

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ALEX CLOSED HIS EYES AND LISTENED as the November wind rustled the pine needles of Thalia's Tree. The final rays of the sun warmed him as he sat back against thick, gnarled bark. He rested his head between two ruts in the pine tree, allowing himself momentary peace.

He'd given Peleus the evening off. The dragon had thanked him with a nuzzle and puff of smoke before taking off, wings beating like winds from a storm.

Sleep eluded Alex. His heart ached at night, lying in bed alone in the extra room of the Big House. Two months into his tenure as Senior Counselor, many of the older campers still resented his position.

Drew Tanaka led the resistance. He couldn't really blame her. She'd taken Silena's betrayal hard; her idol, her sister, her friend had been lying to them for years. Drew had changed after that, after becoming head counselor. Something had snapped. She went from fiercely loyal to Camp Half-Blood to fiercely loyal to herself and her clique. Needless to say, Drew didn't see the former traitor now leading their counselors favorably. Her charmspeak didn't help matters.

With Mr. D gone, he and Chiron held down the fort. Somedays, Alex wished Percy would come back. Though he hoped the kid was enjoying his Sophomore year uninterrupted, they could've used him. The whole camp looked up to Percy. Alex couldn't hope for half the respect he got from the long time Campers.

Another gust of wind hit him across the face. Alex opened his eyes. The sun had started to set, clouds moving to cover the purple and red watercolors spilled over the sky. The knot in the pit of stomach twisted and grew. A lump formed in his throat as he watched the colors fading.

She had promised. She would come home. One of these days.

Alex had seen Ophelia only once since September. A teen daughter of Hecate, Ione, had been living in the streets for a few years. She needed a home. Ophelia had brought her here.

Alex treated Ione as family. Though she joined Tyler, Lou Ellen, and Leah in Cabin 20, Alex made sure all of them got whatever they needed.

She'd left so fast. Ophelia had promised to come back. Promised.


Neither Mist nor shadow shifted as he sat against Thalia's Tree. In the distance he watched the road, knowing few if any cars would trundle past. He needed the monotony.

Dionysus hadn't been seen in weeks. He'd been recalled to Olympus for another meeting. As much as Alex hated working with the lazy god, the disruption to routine made life more difficult.

The half-bloods wanted rest. They needed rest. Years of warfare drained the teens. None of them had normal childhoods. Few, at least. Certainly not those stuck year round.

But Alex didn't know how to help. He sighed. The scent of strawberry and bonfire settled in his tongue. Giggling and the whirl of a breeze forced a smile on his face. The wind nymph jostled his hair before disappearing.

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