FIFTY-ONE | Ophelia

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OPHELIA FELT A TEMPEST IN HER CHEST as she stood before the Door of Orpheus

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OPHELIA FELT A TEMPEST IN HER CHEST as she stood before the Door of Orpheus. Persephone and Hecate had joined hands and shadow traveled them to its foot, ignoring the anger in Hades' eyes. Ophelia wished they hadn't. She didn't need them.

Where had the Olympians been when she was eight years old, scrambling for food in dumpsters and teaching herself math from workbooks in Borders?

Where had the Olympians been when Alex's mom died? She could bring her back. She had healed Alex with necromancy. She could save them.

A freezing chill filled the air as wind off the River Styx washed over them, waters cascading down the cliff face beside them. She shook herself, focusing on the Door of Orpheus. She had one shot. One shot to save Alex and Kitty.

If you stay, it doesn't matter who dies. You can save them.

Ophelia clenched her fists. Eris couldn't quiet comprehend that they were done. Eris was a goddess like Hecate and Aphrodite and Athena. She didn't need her help.

I can help you. I was trying to help you!

A warm hand rested on her arm. Alex. "We need you."

Ophelia looked at him on her right. They had no water to clean him up, no spare clothes for his bloodied rags. She could see where his tears had washed streaks of grime off his pale face. Never in her life had she seen or heard him so exhausted.

Maybe she couldn't beat Hades. Maybe this fight could not be won.

She looked at the door. The darkness beyond the threshold felt different from the darkness of the Underworld. Colder, drier. As Ophelia closed her eyes and tried to connect with the shadows, she shivered. It felt almost like when she shadow-traveled.

Alex slipped his hand in hers. He gave it a small squeeze.

Maybe she couldn't beat Hades. Or maybe she could. But as she looked at Alex and Kitty beside him, she realized the cost would be too high.

"You understand the terms," Hades said.

Ophelia turned around. When had he arrived? On his head he wore his Crown of Darkness. It radiated power. A shiver ran down her spine as she looked at it. Beautiful.

But she nodded. "I do."

"Swear upon the River Styx," Alex said. He looked at Hades. "If we reach the surface and Ophelia has not looked back, we're free from the Underworld."

The god's face contorted between a sneer and a smirk. But he nodded. "I swear it. I swear also that should she fail, all of you and the children of the betrayers will be bound to the Underworld as I see fit."

All around them, the air shifted. Ophelia felt the Mist grow heavier, thicker as the oath was sworn. Everything hung in the balance.

She would get them to the surface. She would save Alex. She would save her family.

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