Episode 1: New Roomates

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Kang Yeosang.

The Son of the Evil Queen.

The New Student at Once Upon A Time High School

He was not ready to go to a high school filled with preppy and uptight students, but he wanted to have the experience of attending one.

No, that was a lie. Yeosang's mother forced him to attend school.

He enjoyed being home-schooled by his mother (despite her being trapped in a mirror. Yeosang never had to worry about anything.

Yet, he was standing in his best attire for his first day at Once Upon A Time High School.

Dressed in a black and purple suit built for a prince, with chains covering the empty places and the EVIL QUEEN'S symbol on his chest, Yeosang runs his hands through his black hair.

'Please, let me go through this so I can return to my room.' He prayed to no one taking his first steps through the school gates.

People. So many people were at the school, making the future Evil King anxious.

Yeosang clenched tighter to his book bag as he walked past a group of boys hoping to become invisible.

His wish did not come true. The opposite happened when a boy with bi-colored hair started walking toward him quickly.

"Hold up! Don't go anywhere!" The boy shouted, rushing towards Yeosang's (who was cringing) side.

"Yes?" Yeosang tried his best to ask with a smile.

The boy flinched upon seeing the smile, but it didn't stop him from welcoming Yeosang.

"You must be the Evil Queen's son! Kang Yeosang!"

Yeosang wanted to go home.

"Yes, and who might you be?"

The boy scoffed and eyed Yeosang up and down to say how rude of him to ask such a thing.

"I am The Hunter's son. Jung Wooyoung, you're future evil hunch, man. Rawr!" He introduced himself with a wink.

Yeosang's eyes opened a bit in surprise. He didn't think he would meet The Hunter's Son so soon.

Just thinking about working with the ball of energy made Yeosang want to cry. He hated the idea of the Story Rules. He didn't understand why people wanted to cycle torture to continue for everyone.

"Ah, nice to meet you, Jung Wooyoung. I am Kang Yeosang." Yeosang started. He wanted to get away from Wooyoung but had no idea where he was and needed help to get to the office. He looked around and saw people avoiding his eyes. He had to ask Wooyoung for help.

"Do you mind showing me to the main office? I must check-in." Yeosang asked, this time trying his best to smile.

"Oh, that's a much better smile! The first one looked like you wanted to kill me. This one looks like a prince's smile. But yes, of course, I'll lead you there!" Wooyoung said, wrapping his arm around Yeosang's and walking to the school.

"I can hear that you're nervous." He whispered.

Yeosang, still trying to stop himself from pushing the boy's way, just tilted his head in response.

"Your heartbeat. It's beating faster than a horse!" Wooyoung compared.

Yeosang didn't even realize that his heart was beating so fast. He just wanted to go home.

"Oh, it is my first day here, and it looks like everyone is scared of me." He said, walking past a bunch of people who flinched seeing him.

"Trust me; they aren't scared of 'you.' It's your powers and role in the story." Wooyoung stopped to face him.

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